Way too serious.

The tone of this movie was so heavy. It kinda stripped all of the fun out of it because it only seemed to partly work as a thriller. With the slow pacing it kinda sucked the life out of me.

There was literally only one light-hearted moment, which was the, "Any chance you can punch me in the face?" line. That drew 3 or 4 chuckles out of the 13 suffocating souls in the movie theater.


Whats with everyone wanting (often misplaced) humor in movies like this nowadays??


Nobody wants misplaced humor, or even humor at all. They want a movie that has a pulse, not a lifeless slog.


"I assumed because it was a PG-13 movie about a little kid with powers that it probably wouldn't be a serious as No Country for old Men, but hey I'm not demanding my money back."

I hope you learned a lesson to never assume a thing about a movie! Because that may be the only reason you didn't get your money's worth.

Expectations do color your film experience. I saw it at my local arthouse cinema, where the expectation would be for serious, and we applauded at the end.

Why so serious? Any parent will tell you that watching their adorable kids grow up to become sullen adolescents and then leave the house is not "fun." But it is a very complex experience full of mixed feelings. That's what the movie is actually most about, among a bunch of other things.

BTW, you missed a genuinely funny line, and a really rather deep one at the character level: when Alton says he wants to speak with "Paul Saulnier, lead technical analyst" and Paul says, not quite loud enough to be clearly heard by anyone else, "he just created the position."

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


I agree and disagree. Csnt just throw a few jokes in there for the sake of it. The pacing did alow down to a crawl sometimes though... I guess this allowed Nichols to jolt us back into life (SPOILERS) the hotel shoot out.


I felt it was like an Amblin Entertainment film...but with that more serious slant to it than even Spielberg might take it.

It almost reminded me a bit of the semi-seriousness of 'Poltergeist,' which also involved that horrifying parental concept of fearing your child being taken from you.

When it came to people brandishing guns around Alton, it did remind me of E.T. in a sense, where in a bygone era, firearms in the vicinity of children wasn't seen as such a big deal.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)



It was supposed to be heavy. It wasn't supposed to be light-hearted. It wasn't Transformers or Iron Man or Mars Attacks... didn't know if you realized that.


Never saw or commented on Transformers, Mars attacks or Iron Man.

Good job though, you win the idiot prize for not reading the thread. Because if you had read the whole thing, you'd probably understand the irony of accusing me of liking Transformers....


Wow. I just got back from watching it.

This movie had the perfect tone. Some parts of the movie I didn't like. But eh tone is not one of them.

You are out of your mind.

That one line was enough.

Movies don't need any light hearted moments. They really don't. I think that is something that is seriously wrong with todays movie going audience. IF its too serious, then it isn't good or it drags on or something along those lines.


"You are out of your mind.

That one line was enough"

Yeah nice power move there. I'm really impressed by the depth and insight of your argument. I want to say something diplomatic here about the value of differing opinions and blah blah blah, but you're being a dick so I'll just tell you that you rated all the Christopher Nolan Batman movies a 10. You're a superhero fanboy who has literally seen 1 foreign language film in your life. Therefore, I don't value your opinion.

NOTE: Please stop filming videos vertically and uploading them to horizontal screens.


I agree with you and I was actually expecting it to be serious based on the trailer. For me, it's not so much that the film was Very Serious, really it's more like the movie just kind of dragged. I'm not saying it was bad, I kind of liked it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a bit too slow for its own good. A lot of the run time was padded with people staring intensely at each other without saying anything. Which is fine occasionally, but every single scene does NOT need to drag on like that. It's like EVERYONE in the movie was Ryan Gosling in Drive. Always about to say something, but then deciding at the last minute not to.

Again, I'm not saying it was bad. Just saying it probably could have benefited from better pacing and maybe a bit more dialogue.

Crying children will dry their eyes. Sleeping babies will awaken and take to the skies!


Shotgun Stories & Take Shelter both have the same morbid slow paced tone, seems to be Jeff Nichols trademark. Looking forward to seeing his next movie "Loving" to be released later this year i expect exactly the same tone


OP you should try to dive into the story a movie is telling you. The characters in there are dealing with what they expect to be the end of days (the cult), a threat to national security (FBI/NSA) and the parents are being hunted while confronted with stuff they can't comprehend. Ofc nobody is laughing.

Transformers might be just the right fit for you in the end, you obviously think cinema has to be only action and popcorn movies.


We've already covered how movies of serious subject matter contain certain light hearted beats and refreshments in tone to keep up the pacing. You'd know that if you read the whole thread.

I can tell you that when it comes to story this movie suffered badly as well. The protagonist and most of the supporting roles had shallow character development.

I'm not the only person who noticed that the film had problems with pacing and tone, so please stop acting like I'm crazy. There's plenty of other threads, user reviews and critic reviews pointing to the same stuff. Benjamin Lee of the Guardian says, "there's an absence of fun here, and for what is ultimately a chase movie, a sever lack of pace." And he's correct.

Because I find a some problems with a movie doesn't mean I hated the movie either. I'm allowed criticism. That's the point. Discussing movies is fun, and if you had bothered to check my ratings and see what kind of films I actually like then maybe you would've thought twice before dropping your *beep* little comment about how I just like popcorn movies.

Also, I just looked at your ratings. You've actually seen Michael Bay's Transformers...and you gave it a positive rating. You actually rated Transformers a 9. That's the reality of what we're dealing with here. You also gave positive ratings to its atrocious sequels. I don't want to point out the obvious, but this sort of undermines your credibility when it comes to advising me about how to interpret the story in a film.

NOTE: Please stop filming videos vertically and uploading them to horizontal screens.
