Way too serious.

The tone of this movie was so heavy. It kinda stripped all of the fun out of it because it only seemed to partly work as a thriller. With the slow pacing it kinda sucked the life out of me.

There was literally only one light-hearted moment, which was the, "Any chance you can punch me in the face?" line. That drew 3 or 4 chuckles out of the 13 suffocating souls in the movie theater.


I'm unsure if this is supposed to be a Batman vs Superman joke or if you are actually serious - not every movie needs to be light hearted and comedic. The movie was obviously going to be serious. Seems you went in expecting a light hearted superhero movie or something due to special abilities. That was never going to be this nor was it marketed as that.


I don't think every movie needs to be light-hearted and comedic. I never said that. I also don't regularly watch superhero films like Deadpool, Batman vs. Superman or any other such nonsense. I did not say anything about going in expecting a superhero movie.

This movie took itself far too seriously for its subject matter. The serious music pounding away, telling you that it was such a serious movie the whole time created a suffocating tone as opposed to an exciting thriller.

It is not unusual for a science fiction film or thriller to include moments of relief for the audience when dealing with serious subject matter. In fact, i can make you a long list of science fictions films and other dramas, that succeed as a drama better than Midnight Special, and do so while including light-hearted beats. I'll start with this one:


Why is it that every time I even slightly critique an independent film, someone accuses me of being conditioned to crappy blockbuster movies. I swear, you were about two seconds away from giving me the "go watch transformers" line that i hear so often on these boards.

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I wasn't going to mention Transformers. Your "critique" is reminiscent of the negative reviews for Batman Vs Superman which has been circulating everywhere around the internet that it seriously did seem like you were trying to piggyback off of the whole "too dark, too dark!!!" thing going around the net. With that said, I have no idea why you expected this film to be E.T. when the marketing showed that it was more adult oriented than family oriented? Unless that was just a bad example to use and I took that example the wrong way.


Yeah, i think i read a couple reviews that called Batman vs. Superman too serious. It probably was. Snyder makes seriously bad movies, so it's no surprise.

To clarify, I'm not suggesting that Midnight Special should've flown off into the midnight sky, set to Jon Williams. But i'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to lighten up now and then.

An example of a serious chase thriller with a heavy soundtrack is The Fugitive (1990). That movie is quite serious and even disturbing in a couple of parts, but there were also some funny, dynamic characters to break it up along the way.
I just don't see life as being that serious. Because even in the most dire of circumstances, people continue to laugh. It's actually a natural human reaction to prolonged stress. People crack jokes on their death beds and laugh when they fall or get injured, even prisoners make jokes, it's part of the natural rhythm of life and human interaction.

When Adam Driver showed up with the kid and asked if he could go with them, I remember thinking that I would appreciate that, as i was finally having some fun when him and the kid were on screen together. But then i knew it wouldn't happen because this movie is far too serious. But why not let loosen up a bit since our suspension of disbelief is already pretty well elevated?

I must say that it is a bit of an odd combination. Gritty realism with science fiction and heavy religious overtones. Shannon and Edgerton were basically taciturn cowboys on a mission from god. Shannon's character has less depth than the rest of the characters, which is unfortunate for a protagonist because he was (sorry) downright boring.

Despite these flaws, I thought the movie was decent. I gave it a 6/10.

Oh, and the marketing thing, yeah. I never watched the trailer, i just went for it. I assumed because it was a PG-13 movie about a little kid with powers that it probably wouldn't be a serious as No Country for old Men, but hey I'm not demanding my money back

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Oh, and the marketing thing, yeah. I never watched the trailer, i just went for it.

Okay. That I understand. If you had seen the trailers, you wouldn't have been surprised. The film achieved what it was aiming for, succeeded with the audience it was aiming for, and has received great reviews for accomplishing that. Kid with powers doesn't equal not serious - just look at Spielberg and A.I for example. Arguably one of his darkest films to date, albeit a twisted fairy tale, still - the kid doesn't equal it not being a serious film.


Snyder doesn't make bad movies. I swear, I think you came here as soon as you saw that WB distributed it and saw the kid reading a superman comic, and Michael Shannon in the lead role.

Ready to troll the world.

BvS was dark as hell, and it wasn't a negative at all. That movies tone was near perfect. Take a few joke one liners out of that movie, and it would be better. Problem was with the editing in all honesty, which could change with the release of the ultimate cut.

I doubt you've seen all of his movies and go off of what reviewers say. I understand to each is own and all, and I live by it, but I call *beep* when I see it.

To me it seems like you want to pick at this movie no matter what. You couldn't find anything and decided to say that its too dark. You know because its the most popular thing to say these days.


I already replied to your other snide comment , but then i saw this and remembered how annoying you are. I don't even know why i'm even dignifying you with a second response, you're obviously a total *beep*

I'm vaguely aware that you're referring to some marvel/DC rivalry, but i wouldn't know much about that because i've never seen Batman vs. Superman, and also, i'm not 12.

I see you like Zack Snyder...that's embarrassing.

No, i haven't seen all of Snyder's movies, but i can only imagine the process of watching them all would be akin to some form of torture. The two that i did see were incredibly bad. I'm not going to explain why, because who cares, it isn't worth my time.

And yes, you can't always trust the critics, but when every single film that Snyder has ever written, produced and directed has a metascore in the yellow or the red, i think we probably are looking at a large enough sample size that we can put a bit of faith in the critical consensus.

Now *beep* off back to the superhero boards

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"Snyder doesn't make bad movies."


Dunce, much?

"And yes, you can't always trust the critics, but when every single film that Snyder has ever written, produced and directed has a metascore in the yellow or the red, i think we probably are looking at a large enough sample size that we can put a bit of faith in the critical consensus."


McDonalds sells more burgers, and pleases more trailer-park dwellers than most other places. Guess they must be excellent burgers, eh? Probably looking at a large enough sample size that we can put a bit of faith in the (not so) critical consensus.

McDonald's rocks!
Snyder rocks!
WalMart rocks!

Aim low, kids.


When Adam Driver showed up with the kid and asked if he could go with them, I remember thinking that I would appreciate that, as i was finally having some fun when him and the kid were on screen together. But then i knew it wouldn't happen because this movie is far too serious. But why not let loosen up a bit since our suspension of disbelief is already pretty well elevated?

My answer to that would be because the writer kept the characters within themselves. That probably plays into the overly serious tone of the film as well. Not everything needs to be appeasing to the audience. Some times we just want to see characters act according to who they are and their situation.

In this particular situation you're dealing with an incredibly paranoid and frightened father who is just moments away from getting his son to their destination. Sure, this NSA agent brought his son back to him, but there is absolutely no reason to take on any kind of risk and invite him along for the finale.


I remember thinking E.T. was rather dark and boring when I was a kid.

As an adult, this movie had me on the edge of my seat with suspense the whole time. Very rare for a film to do that. Not even 10 Cloverfield Lane was able to create that effect.

This is a tour de force film.

My only complaint is that the title makes no sense.


My only complaint is that the title makes no sense.

I don't really understand the title either, but I kind of like it that way.


The title is from the song Midnight Special. It was a prison song sung in the South.

Source: (click link below, then click the link for Page 71)

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


I thought the tone and pacing were nearly perfect. I liked the fact that it treated the situation seriously and thought the tension was great. The story was claustrophobic and intense, I think it was directed the way it was to make the audience feel the same way. It worked for me.


I agree with every syllable of your critique, especially that thudding soundtrack.


How does it compare to "Take Shelter" which seems to be a very similar movie (but very good)?

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


I really liked take shelter. Didn't really like this one.


Wasn't Take Shelter also directed by Jeff Nichols, who also directed this movie? Interesting.


Wasn't Take Shelter also directed by Jeff Nichols, who also directed this movie? Interesting.
Yes, and it starred Michael Shannon. I enjoyed Take Shelter and the trailer was fantastic for that film. This trailer gave me a similar impression.

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


I actually liked the serious tone a lot. It made the film even more mysterious and impactful on the viewer. From the cinematography to the simple, brooding score, the tone worked very well for me.


Me too, it was like the best of John Carpenter, with a tiny dash of Spielberg thrown in.


why don't you go watch transformers then




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Really ponderous, like Christopher Nolan. Does any character smile during the entire movie? It's not even a matter of being solemn as opposed to lighthearted and jovial - it's that Nichols forgot to give his movie a pulse. How can a story about intense paternal love, faith, and transcendence feel this lifeless?


Disagree with your comparison to Nolan, but 100% agree with your verdict of Nichols direction. Po-faced, sulky and soulless movie, borderline tedious. Great music though.


Soulless? You're having a laugh, right?


"Soulless" is exactly the word I was thinking of when the credits rolled.


I wholeheartedly disagree with the OP. It's just serious enough. And underneath that thrums a palpable and moving sense of wonder and awe. This movie has real heart. I didn't anticipate that I'd be wiping tears away at a couple of different moments by the end.

And no, there was more than just one moment of humor.

There was "kryptonite"; there was Adam Driver meeting Alton the first time; there was Joel Edgerton's incredulity in a scene after Alton's been out during the day for the first time.

Serious works if you have real heart underneath it and this movie has it in spades. "Batman v. Superman", now there's a movie that is too serious AND zapped of any fun whatsoever.



Well said. Yeah, the kid was like a robot. One note.

The dad and the state trooper friend were basically the same character as well. Quiet and stern.


Wow! I thought the kid gave one of the most natural and impressive performances I have ever seen from a child actor.


Hmm, I don't think so. The kid was actually great. He was able to portray the childishness of a child, but also the maturity of a special kid having to live up to the expectation of the people of the Ranch. Really natural.
Did you watch the movie? The dad is the quiet and stern type, while the state trooper is the more relaxed and childish guy.


i thought it had 5-6 little jokes
