
I did not read the novel, and I don't remember if I saw any of the old adaptations. It might not be a very faithful telling of the original source, but it was an entertaining film to watch.

I felt the same way about the two part Three Musketeers films from the same writers who worked on the screenplay of this.


i don't think anything coming out in 2024 could hold a candle to the Jim Caviezel version


The French one with Depardieu is better because there’s more to it. There’s a lot missing in Caviezel version but first half is outstanding. For one, Edmond is not the father of Mercedes’ son. Also, Edmond marries Haydee not Mercedes. Haydee and Mercedes’ son are never together.


I loved Pierre Niney and the look of the film - but I wished they followed the book at bit more. The revenge part wasn’t as sweet. The Count’s well-planned acts ended up a slap in his face. It’s almost counterproductive. This is the most brilliant story of revenge and the message in this version is revenge comes at a cost. But it is beautiful to watch. It’s a darkly lit visual feast with masterful music. They spent quite a lot on this movie and should be seen at a theater. I think Niney is the best actor I have seen so far to play Dantes - he just has the right look.

I did like the Gerard Depardieu’s TV version (1998) because he exacted the best retribution for each of the four offenders and they were timed perfectly. This is most like the book. The Caviezel one was very good up to a point; it skipped over a lot in second half. In all film and TV, Dantes ends up with Mercedes or alone traveling. In the book, he is off with Haydee in Marseille. There are a lot of changes and rewriting in this movie, but it generally makes its point. But for those who know the story, it can be an adjustment. You want glorious comeuppance, not guilt and reflection.


If you were entertained, that means this movie is a good piece of entertainment.
If anyone was looking for an accurate translation from book to movie, this is not it, but it's a pretty decent attempt anyway.
Solid movie, watchable, 4,5 /10.


4.5 out of 10 is solid / watchable?


Well yeah. 4,5 means watchable, it's almost half of a perfect score.


You did not read the novel? That’s a classic


It was good but it was too long.


Surprised they did not split it up like the most recent Three Musketeers movie.


I like it. Very good performances (especially Pierre Niney), nice locations, nice costumes, maybe 10-15 minutes shorter would have been perfect but I liked it.
