MovieChat Forums > A Madea Christmas (2013) Discussion > Tyler Perry is losing his audience is th...

Tyler Perry is losing his audience is this a flop?

Looks like people are getting TIRED of Tyler Perry LOL! Perry's last movie We the Peeles also bombed. However, this is the FIRST Madea film that did NOT open with at least $20 million dollars. Is this movie a bomb or a disappointment?


Probably bad timing since The Hobbit came out the same weekend


Looking like a bomb.
But Perry still gets a big paycheck.

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Wrong weekend. Should have never come out the same weekend as The Hobbit.

Internet Trolls don't get a rise out of people, only sympathy.


I'm sure the Hobbit didn't matter as most of The Hobbit audience more than likely wouldn't see this movie anyway.



It will still make money with DVD sales and rentals, and with on demand sales.

Success is Nothing, without someone you love to share it with..


Just like almost every movie.
That is not the definition of a flop.

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The movie will do fine culwin, chill. You don't like these films, we get it. You are entitled to that, however, much work go into these films (all, not just Tyler Perry's) and this sick obsession of wanting a movie you( you and many others) don't like to flop, is pathetic. get a life. The movie was fun and entertaining.

Internet Trolls don't get a rise out of people, only sympathy.


Lol I see you are still defending Tyler Perry movies. Nice to see you are making yourself a productive member of society. Please don't breed.


"Lol I see you are still defending Tyler Perry movies. Nice to see you are making yourself a productive member of society. Please don't breed."

Says the person who recognizes me for defending Tyler Perry movies. Still collecting that disability check?

Internet Trolls don't get a rise out of people, only sympathy.


It doesn't take a genius that you have a hard on for TP. All you need to do is read this thread, click your name and see all of your posts. Takes about 5 minutes. Maybe for you it takes about a day. Yes I did collect your disability check. Spent it on crack and fried chicken.


"The movie was fun and entertaining."

I can think of two things wrong with that sentence (three, if you wish to debate as to whether or not this should be considered a "movie").

His movies (both comedies and dramas, but especially comedies) cater to either the lowest common denominator or scared Christians clutching their pearls over how "sinful" the world is today (occasionally, we get both bits of pandering in one film, like we did with "A Madea Keep-The-Christ-In-Christmas").

It's fitting that one of the only recognizable faces in this film was Larry the Cable Guy, since he and Tyler and basically kindred spirits. They're both barely competent artists playing a caricature of a character, designed to fleece simple folk, and they've both gotten quite rich in doing it.

Tyler Perry is the embodiment of the phrase "No one on this world...has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people".


I can think of two things wrong with that sentence (three, if you wish to debate as to whether or not this should be considered a "movie").

So then, let me ask you this, what type of films should people watch? I thought since there are different genres, directors, actors, etc is because people are different and like different things. Isn't film suppose to be subjective? isn't film suppose to be art. Also, this, " lowest common denominator" crap is getting old. What makes me laugh, isn't going to make everyone laugh, and what makes you laugh, isn't going to make everyone else laugh. The sooner you figure that out, the sooner you'll understand the concept that everyone is allowed to like whatever they want. I would still like to hear your answer on what types of films people should watch. You seem to think you have all the answers.

Internet Trolls don't get a rise out of people, only sympathy.


When I saw it, our theater was PACKED, and everybody laughed at everything!


His movies did'nt start slipping til more white faces were put in them.


'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


to date is made $43 mil. it had a low opening but its making profit


According to box office Mojo the movie has now grossed around $50 million but I think this is one the less successful Madea films.


"its making profit"

Like every movie ever made.
You don't understand how movies work.

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Like every movie ever made.

No a lot of movies don't make a profit .

Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.


List some.

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Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.


There are movies on that list that aren't even out on DVD yet.
And some that are still being shown in theaters!
Thanks for proving my point.

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