The Best Line in the Movie

Alberto: Are you interested in hearing about these robberies or are you just gonna sit there and let the Alzheimer’s run its course?

Probably the best line in any movie I've seen in the past few months...and I see about 20 movies a month.




"He wouldn't know God if he crawled up his pant leg and bit him on the pecker." I rewound that part so many times!!


So when you say you rewound that scene so many times, how many times are we talking? And what did you do upon viewing this scene numerous times? I'm genuinely interested. Because, to me, that's the behaviour of a not right.




lady at the diner "what you don't want"


lady at the diner "what you don't want"

And at the end of that scene, after the waitress finishes taking their orders Jeff Bridges says, "Well, I'll tell ya one thang...nobody's gonna rob this som'bitch." 

"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."


are you trying to make me mad? only as s holes drink mr. pibb. lol along with about every line in the whole awesome movie. lol.


which was followed by a quiet reply, "then drink your mr. pibb."


he says .."drink up"


"Drink up." Gave me a chuckle. It was a pretty funny movie. Nothing hilarious, but it's not meant to be. There was a good balance.


For me it was what alberto says about white people taking from indians and now banks taking the same from everyone when they are staking out by the bank.

There are many hilarious lines throughout the movie but this line which drives the point that this isn't a cowboys vs indians western but a cowboys vs banks neo-western

This theme is very evident right from the start where: "3 trips to Iraq and no bailout for us" is written on the wall. And I must admit seeing a cowboy using his intellect and playing a bank against itself is much more fun than seeing him hurt some Indians or dig for gold.


The old waitress at the T-Bone Cafe

"I'm hot, and not in a good way"

and then right after

Waitress: "So that's two t-bones, medium rare..."
Alberto: "Well actually could I...."
Waitress "Weren't a question"


this a**hole from New York ordered a trout, back in 1987. We ain't got no g*******d trout.

Dont waste my moderfockin time!


I wrote a bunch down. I'll add to this. I love these kinds of threads.

Off the top of my head, it's the humor that I recall easily. The one where he needed to get through all the "Injun" jokes before moving the the "Mexican" ones was funny, when talking about his partner.



And another one that was funny came from the diner about the bank had been stealing from him for 30 years so he was glad someone was ripping it off. (paraphrasing)

