The Best Line in the Movie

Alberto: Are you interested in hearing about these robberies or are you just gonna sit there and let the Alzheimer’s run its course?

Probably the best line in any movie I've seen in the past few months...and I see about 20 movies a month.


That was the best! xD

Liked this one too :

Sheriff Marcus Hamilton: "That looks like a man who can foreclose on a house"


great line..
I loved the rapport between Jeff Bridges and Gil Birmingham.


Toby: "How'd you manage to stay out of jail for a whole year?"

Tanner: "Well, it's been hard."


"It's been difficult."


"You boys gonna rob the bank? You ain't even Mexican"


Yep, that cracked me up.

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Philip J. Fry


I don't remember the exact line, but one of the locals says something like,
"I'm gonna gut him and strap him to my hood."

Marcus replies, "I can't let you do that."


I like the one where the guy says if he found them he would hang them in a tree from a short rope and Jeff Bridges says then you would be up on murder charges and the guy says "that's if you could find the tree"


Actual line: "Well that would simplify things for everyone, except you."
Then, "That's if you can find the tree."


I liked the exchange at the end where they invite one another in order to put each other to peace.


I like the Ranger back and forth at the hotel.

Ain't you Christian?
Yeah. But I ain't stupid.
God doesn't talk
through this man
any more than he
talks through my dog.


I liked when Bridges and his partner were stopped by the cattle street crossing, and the cowboy wrangler goes, "21st century and I'm out here with a horse herding cattle. And I wonder why my kids don't want any part of this?" I just started laughing. So true.


That cowboy wrangler was Taylor Sheridan, the movie's screenwriter.


"Those conceal and carry permits sure do complicate bank robbing don't they"?

“I’m more humble than you can understand”-Donnie


"Boy, you'd think there were 10 of me"

Loved that one.
