7,9? The society makes me sick.

I really cannot understand why so many people hate this movie. It's unique, interesting, well-written, a true masterpiece in my eyes. I enjoyed every minute of it. I know everyone's taste differs, but I'd rate this move among the elites, would give at least a 8,4 rating. Do people just rate it down because it won Best picture and not freaking Boyhood or The imitation game?



While I appreciate the acting, the technical aspects and the symbolism etc. I just didn't really enjoy it, or care about any of the characters. I've quite liked Inaritu's other films but there just wasn't much to this once you go past the hype (I was really looking fwd to Birdman). I was waiting for it to hurry up and end. I gave it a 5. As for the oscars, never really given a s#it what wins or who wins what. Dunno why people care so much about a boring awards show that's credibilities so far up it's own ass. I for one don't upvote/downvote for any reason other than I like what I like.


This definitely didn't deserve all the recognition it got. With all the angles it tried playing, it became a jack of all trades - master of none. It should be kept below the 7 range.



Excellent point.


No they rate it down because its by far the worst film at least that I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of films. Talk all you want about hidden meanings theres always one douchebag that looks at a *beep* painting and chooses to like it for no other reason than not many others do...


"..and I've seen a lot of films."

That's quite a resume you have there.


Two words for you: Moronic Douchebag!


The rating is just Nolan fanboy trolling post Oscars. Like Interstellar would have ever stood a chance.

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Long live the Xbox One


how does 7,9 equal= hate?

seriously dude you need to get your *beep* together. 7.9 means its good.

also IMDB score isnt about quality its about popularity(which granted sometimes overlap but sometimes it doesnt see inception for example)


the dialogue is highly artificial, and there're a lot of monologues that tell you what someone is thinking or why they're doing it rather than leaving it up to the audience. Dramatically it plateaus far too early.

I gave it an 8 however for some outstanding camerawork and lighting, a great use of percussion on the soundtrack and some superb performances (Norton in particular)

Nothing to see here, move on
