The end?

What do we think?

He flys?

He dies?

Reminded me a little a black Swab the climax of this film


I don't know....and ultimately, I realized, I don't care.

So, I'll just say this: I don't think high rise NYC hospitals have patient rooms with windows that open. Imagine how many patients, in despair or on medication or just plain nuts, would go out those windows! There would be a lawsuit a minute.

So the idea that the window opened is, itself, metaphorical.

Having said that, Riggan was suicidal from the get-go. Everything he did pointed to it. So, one way or another, he, like another actor who was well known for playing a superhero (and for little else), took his own life. However he actually did it.


interesting discussion..



He didn't fly, it is essentially a metaphor for him being free from Birdman (EGO) and free from the super-hero stigma that followed him his entire career. Sam seeing her father fly, is meant to indicate that he is finally done with listening to that voice (EGO) and is ready to move on with his life, more peacefully.


I think he became the Birdman. When he goes into the bathroom and takes off the bandages you see his profile, and his surgically repaired nose is now similar to the beak of the imaginary Birdman that was sitting on the toilet.

When Sam comes back she looks down, left, right then up and smiles...and as the scene fades you faintly hear the distinctive laugh of the Birdman.

There is also a scene where the imaginary Birdman tells Riggan that he doesn't belong in the world as himself. He became what he was meant to be and what he could only be; the Birdman.


I thought it was just like the other times in the movie where he was shown as imagining that he could fly or do superhuman things. He had just conquered Broadway, so he imagined that, if he could do that, he could fly.

They just added to his imaginary feat by having his daughter react to it, joining him in his illusion.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


well he definitely didn't die from falling off the building. His daughter looks left then to the right towards the bottom, then looks up smiling.

Seriously, I get it this movie tries to be very artsy fartsy with the metaphors, but it's attempt was try hard at best if it wasn't for that crappy ending.

It's an ending to get people to talk about the movie way past it's premiere. Great marketing to make an overrated movie become "one of the greats".


Professor "spencerprattsactingcoach" -

Like so very many 'Opinion/Reviews' (that are far more Opinion than intelligent Review) you seem to close your mind to a great deal in order to justify your own, definitive Opinion.

Consider that you may be wrong - could you do that? Could you consider that "The movie is more intelligent than you"? Or that you might have missed a lot, that you maybe "did not Get It", etc., - or is that simply not possible?



Of course he dies. It's reality, whatever he might think.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
