I enjoyed it!

I really did ,I just did not like the ending “spoilers” when the monster from part 1 popped out of the clouds because wth..the monster was not that big!!

It reminded me somewhat of event horizon/aliens.

And it’s clear that just like part 2 these was written as a stand alone movie but then they added cloverfiekd into the mix to get it market.

So besically this series is turning into the hellraiser series where each movie was a stand alone movie then rewritten to make it into hellraiser


I did too. As to the monster being not that big, one analysis I read stated that the three movies were what happened to three different Earths in three different dimensions. So the monster in this movie is not the same monster as in part one.



Combine the universe then and we will have aliens vs clovie :-)


Different size..same species? He was standing on Everest?so many reasons that could acount for it...


Standing on Everest?



The monster in Cloverfield was still a juvenile, not fully grown


I did too. It only just barely connects with the other films but I liked the twists and thought the film was well made and a suspenseful.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here- https://youtu.be/hJYnJuDPdn0


I like the standalone concept, it's a lot less predictable than having a standard found footage sequel in NY that unimaginative people want.

There were some flaws to Paradox, mainly the rushed pacing. But overall I liked it too, 8/10.

The monster at the end could've been bigger because:
1) this was a different dimension to cloverfield 1; or
2) the clouds were low on that day; or
3) monsters come in different shapes and sizes.


It was a poor film and I sighed throughout at the various inconsistencies and implausibilities. However, it was moderately enjoyable, and still far superior to a superhero movie!


I like the movie too. Too bad its rating got below 6.
