Disney's New Toxic Femcel Fanbase

So Disney/Lucas couldn't wait to name, shame, and lose the old manbaby fanbase.

Well, they've done just that, and replaced them with . . . Toxic Female Reylos.

Good move Disney/Lucas!

YellowFlash's Take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB9j4rNJPRM

Gundam's Take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgEwfwmNX2U


Watch more movies dude , this trilogy is over , I recommend the irishman


Blame Disney, dude - they created the shitshow surrounding this, and they made sure it would be more entertaining than the movies themselves.

With the NT, it was never about the movies, it was always about the Disney FemDrama surrounding them.

Disney/Lucas made it perfectly clear to the OT fans that they wanted to send a message with the NT, and they did - 'Get Woke, Go Broke'.

I think the wife has 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' picked out to stream tonight.

In the meantime, maybe it's you who needs to move-on, you're certainly as obsessed with shutting down the NT detractors, as the detractors are shitposting the movies.


These new films have been complete and utter trash, I knew back in 2012 this would suck, looks like I was right


You can bitch and moan like a fat bitch but nothings going to change , either put up or shut up , it’s done , the trilogy is complete, finished , finito, finale, end of , the end.


It's not canon.


Yes it is


La la la la...


No, actually it isn't. It someone bought the Mona Lisa then took a dump on it, we wouldn't suddenly consider that part of the painting. If a company bought all the rights to Nirvana's brand, then put together a different lineup that produced garbage music under the name... we wouldn't consider it Nirvana's music.

Lucas' movies are canon, that's it.


Lucas doesn’t own Star Wars anymore , they are canon


Did you not even read my post, or are you just incapable of understanding it in any way? Jesus.


Yes , disney didn’t buy the Mona Lisa nor a band they bought Lucas film , you can still watch the originals and the prequels but the sequels are also part of Lucas film and are canon , you don’t get to decide what’s canon and what’s not , it’s canon end of , deal with it


Why do you consistantly celebrate mediocrity? All the Disney crap has done is ruin what came before.

It is now pointless to watch what came before "The Force Awakens" as the characters are a shadow of there former selves.

Anakin's sacrifice means absolutely nothing now, literally nothing. It has no impact on the story where before Disney got there tainted hands it, it had a purpose, a redemption arc of one of the most evil men ever created. Not anymore.

That can never be taken back or away because as you say Disney trilogy is now canon. Disney has done exactly what it wanted and that was to wipe out what came before and that can never been forgiven.

So keep shilling for Disney, that's what they want. New fans who will just clap there hands like trained seals to anything they make, it's sad.

Disney has tainted the once great name of Star Wars. The name that changed modern cinema. They have no excuses for what they have done and i'm glad other people are starting to see it. Each movie getting less and less and less. Toys don't sell, the park is crap.

You reap what you sow.


I don’t , I just don’t throw my toys out of the pram because a movie I was wanting to be really good turned out poor , it’s pathetic and childish to see , I’m not thrilled about how it all turned out but feck me , it’s just a movie , move on , but don’t try and bullshit by saying it’s not canon when it is.


I’ll tell you one thing , I felt worse when I saw the prequels that’s for sure, jar jar, little ani, c3pos origins, watch the prequels and you might not feel so bad about the sequels




In my mind it’s not canon and for my purposes that’s all that matters


It is canon , fact


Do you lack even the basic reading comprehension skills?


Its canon, fact.


What part of "in my mind" is too hard for you to understand???


Well if:
1) it's not cannon in your mind and
2) For your purposes, that's all that matters

Why are you even arguing with them?

Their point of view does not matter to you so trying to convince them to change their mind is a waste of your time.


I didn't argue, all I did was state my opinion which was the purpose of this forum.


In my mind you are arguing with them.


I’m not, fact


When you make a statement and someone else makes a statement that is contradictory you have several options

1) You can "agree to disagree" and just move on or
2) You can say they are correct and just move on or
3) You can make statements to either prove their side incorrect or question their approach.

The third one is a form of arguing and that is what you did.

At this point I am going to take option 1 :)


Irony alert


Kielanders, what do you mean by "NT"?


New Trilogy


It's not called that, it's called either the Sequel Trilogy or (preferably) the Disney Trilogy.

Now stop using NT or I'll think you mean Microsoft Windows NT.


Nah, I think I'll keep using it just to annoy you.



I prefer to call it either the "SJT" (social justice trilogy) or the "PCT" (politically correct trilogy)


Strangely though, from what I've seen many of them are trans. So technically, they are still mostly manbabies.


Hey, that's a microaggression, but an interesting point nonetheless.


Those are good toxic incels and femcels, because they're woke 😄

And yeap, they made a lot of death threats. But those are good death threats, politically correct threats 😂


Horsegirl is a terrible character


hmm, i once (or twice) saw a porno with that title..... i would call it an interesting movie, not terrible , but not good either.
the lighting was not good in certain places


That the new buzzword for these keyboard culture wars?


lib bitches are sick...... in other news: the sky is blue,


Not good at all.

But something occurred to me: what if most of the Twitter backlash is fake rage or anger? Yeah, they're genuinely disappointed in the fate of Kylo Ren but they're hamming it up on Twitter just for the laughs?

The comments about real people associated with Adam Driver definitely seem to belong in the unhinged category. People need to step back a bit and reflect.


Yeah, they're genuinely disappointed in the fate of Kylo Ren but they're hamming it up on Twitter just for the laughs?

Did you watch the video? Driver had to watch the social media of every friend to be sure no info about the newborn was released, and that because of how her wife was harassed. He failed because in a pic made public in instagram by a friend by mistake the wife could be seen holding the newborn, and then harassment increased, how she dares to have his son? Kind of crazy.

However, since the harassers were had the correct race/gender, that didn't deserve a single article.

But hey, as you said, just for the laughs.


Yeah, I was trying to draw the distinction in my last post. Some of the fans have issues.



Milo Yiannapoulos was banned from twitter for calling Leslie Jones (the black chick in Ghosbusters 2016) 'barely literate' (which she was, by the way). That, that was beyond permissible! Banned and attacked by media!!

Here you have dozens of people making death threats, harassing members of their family, some of them even harassing them in real life. But hey, this is fine, it's good harassment 😊

I'd say it's not only some of the fans. Twitter has issues. And mainstream media has issues.


Hate to break to you but this so-called "Femcel fanbase" you abhor has more spending power than the counterpart you compare them to who are no more than an online community of loosely connected vloggers and social media pundits.

Also, the toxic masculinity you bitch about was drummed up by 1%er capitalists in a board room not some female trustafarian Bezerkely Grad Student with hairy armpits and a nose ring.


Yes, bitches control about 80% of discretionary purchasing in this country, but apparently they aren't spending it on Woke! movies and merch - they're spending it elsewhere.

Judging from the under performance of the franchise with Solo, TLJ, and RoS, as well as the failing theme parks and merchandise sales - it's fairly obvious that there are other things at play here besides bizzness.

It is evident with The Mando, that Disney is quite capable of giving the fans what they want, which equates directly to the bottom line.

Why Disney/Lucas has gone this direction for the feature films is up for debate.

Why women aren't supporting their own at the corporate level . . . who cares.




Women don't want to see bad movies any more than men do. Anyway, the writers and directors of Disney SW are men so it's odd that you're blaming women for this dog.


It's not odd at all if you actually read and comprehend the exchange.

Women aren't supporting a lot of movies, movies that were 'made for them', yet males are being blamed for the failure of these films.

The OP to this sub-thread appeared to be attempting to make the point that the franchise is being repositioned to appeal to the large female demographic, a demographic that also retains the majority of domestic consumer spending power.

From Ghostbusters, Terminator, Oceans, Star Wars, etc - these are some valuable IPs that have failed with women, and women we're told are for whom those movies were made. If, as the OP suggested, and I've seen data to indicate it is true, women do indeed have the agency to drop the money on these shit movies (often directed by and with female leads and/or casts) made especially for them.

In the case of Star Wars, Kathleen Kennedy is president of Lucas Film, has hiring/firing authority of the creatives, and may even have authority over the final cut.

So, in this case, the force is indeed female, and it's failing on multiple fronts.


"From Ghostbusters, Terminator, Oceans, Star Wars, etc - these are some valuable IPs that have failed with women, and women we're told are for whom those movies were made. If, as the OP suggested, and I've seen data to indicate it is true, women do indeed have the agency to drop the money on these shit movies (often directed by, with female leads) made especially for them."



The movies failed to meet box office expectations, or serve as successful reboots to their respective franchises.

That's fact, not speculation.




Your go-to reply is usually a comment about masturbation, with yourself being in the process thereof . . . nice to see you expanding your horizons.




Now there's the Pollack we all love.


Women STILL don't want to see bad movies any more than men do. All the movies you named are bad (and tired reboots). They're not bad because they're targeted towards women, they're bad because the directors and writers are hacks. Batman vs Superman and The Justice League were bad movies which were NOT targeted towards women. Why did Abrams choose that writer for "Rise" instead of someone with talent?

Iger made it clear in his book that it was HIS idea to rehash the OT instead of moving forward with the sequel trilogy. Granted, Lucas' choice to run Lucasfilms was Kennedy, but all the directors and writers have been men with no talent.

Leia was a feminist character but SW was written well. Arnold Schwarzenegger made it a point to always have strong women in his movies to appeal to female moviegoers which was rare at that time. His movies had a 50% female audience share which was rare for action flicks. Why leave 50% profit on the table? Similar story with James Cameron and even Ridley Scott with characters like Vasquez and Ripley in Aliens and Sarah Conners in Terminator.

There are plenty of feminist movies that have done well at the box office because there were talented people who made them: Thelma and Louise, Whale Rider, Nine to Five, The Color Purple, Bend It Like Beckham, Hidden Figure, The Handmaid's Tale, etc.

BTW, 90% consumers were always female. I used to be in advertising. The movie-going demographic is a bit different. SFX movies are very expensive to make and studios know they need to broaden their appeal to make a profit which means appealing internationally, and to both genders, wider age ranges, etc.

I read that Kennedy likes to hire directors based on how much profit their small budgeted movies made. That is probably part of the problem. I would hire based on how talented the director and writer are at telling a damned great story along with profit.

Iger and Kennedy think too much about profit instead of quality.


You're the only one saying that males are being blamed.

Seriously, you've got some personal issues to address with yourself, instead of taking it out on an industry you have no influence over.


You're the only one saying that males are being blamed.

I don't think so.

"Ocean's 8 stars blame dominance of male critics for film's mixed reviews"

'Charlie's Angels' Director Blames Men For Box Office Failure'

'The Sexist Outcry Against the Ghostbusters Remake'

'Men Are Dismissing ‘Little Women.’ What a Surprise.'

'I Called Out Toxic Star Wars Fandom. Then They Proved My Point.'

Seriously, you've got some personal issues to address with yourself, instead of taking it out on an industry you have no influence over.

Check the mirror, Cupcake - that idiot looking back is you.


Yes, you think so. You think so SO MUCH you equate other peoples' opinions with your own as you did with just a meager 5 other people. LOL


No, I demonstrated that you are full of shit - but thanks for playing.


The SW franchise and Disney theme parks are not failing.

George Lucas' prequels were utter shit and there wasn't any SJW/LW aspect to them. It was just crappy filmmaking by a delirious billionaire unable to tap into his own creativity anymore.

Mandolorian is basically the muppets redux in space and isn't any different than the SW film franchise.


Sure pal, but you may want to look at just a few of the shitload of headlines out there like the list below.

You don't even have to read the articles, just the headlines.

The article titles alone are exactly what a marketing brand manager would like NOT to see - and, there's lots more out there just like them.

Disney Parks & Galaxy's Edge

Disney Won't Let Galaxy's Edge Fail

Disney’s New ‘Star Wars’ Attraction Is an Early Flop. Here’s Why That Will Change.

Attendance was Down at Disney Parks this Summer — and the New Star Wars Land May be to Blame

Is Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Truly a Failure?

Why Are Star Wars Land Crowds So Low?

Attendance drops at Disney's U.S. theme parks

Star Wars Franchise

Has Disney's "Star Wars" Acquisition Been a Failure?

Disney Still Doesn't Understand Why 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Failed

Disney: The Star Wars Franchise Is In Trouble

The Big 'Mistake' Disney Made With Star Wars That They're Fixing Now, According to Disney CEO


Again, more opinion pieces based of conjecture and last I checked none of the theme parks or SW movies have been canceled.

You have a huge hole in your heart and it may be a personal issue.


Again, more opinion pieces based of conjecture and last I checked none of the theme parks or SW movies have been canceled.

You really are an empty shell, aren't you.

Star Wars Movies Really Are Going on Hiatus After Episode IX

And while hiatus isn't cancellation - it an admission of a serious fucking problem.

I'd let her strangle me with her thighs wrapped around my head. Camel-toe asphyxiation

Considering the quote above is from your recent comment history, it appears you're the one with a personal issue.

You're not only dumb, you're hard-up - you and Kowalski really need to get together, assuming you both aren't the same person.
