Original Trilogy-only fans are too blame and are the main reason we got horrible poorly written unoriginal trilogy.

They hate everything after Return Of The Jedi, they think the Originals were oh so perfect with no flaws whatsoever, they think anything Star Wars-related that doesn't involve Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Stormtroopers, Ewoks sucks and that's a big reason why they hated the Prequels because they had much better lore and and much better lightsaber fights and special effects.

They think Star Wars should never evolve beyond what their precious cheesy black and white movies they grew up were with and or never try anything because they geezers who want to hold onto everything from the 60's, 70's and 80's forever. Their the type of guys that think The Beatles are still the greatest band ever and their favorite TV show is the original Star Trek.

They WANTED this trilogy to be nothing more apology letter for Episodes 1-3 and they WANTED these movies to be nothing more than a giant Original Trilogy-rip-off, just like they seriously thought bringing back the old cast was a good idea even they were old as fuck and Carrie Fisher wasn't even in good health to return.

Even if these movies were A LOT like the Prequels but with better scripts, better acting and better dialogue and execution, they would have HATED them still because it wasn't a carbon copy of the Original Trilogy.

This is why no one likes Star Wars fans...except well Star Wars fans. Oh well...who cares the Dragon Ball franchise this overrated franchise out of the water and replaced Star Wars as the "Star Wars" of this generation years ago...


OOOOKay. First of all:

"Their the type of guys that think The Beatles are still the greatest band ever and their favorite TV show is the original Star Trek."
The Beatles *IS* the greatest band ever. Best TV show is a three-way tie, between The Honeymooners, Seinfeld, and The Wire.
Endof. No argument. NO, I say!!!


lol i know The Wire is very popular in certain circles but the best show? Heck id rather nominate the thematically very similar Oz than The Wire.


It's interesting. . .so many people pointed me at the Wire, that I finally tried it. Was completely underwhelmed, but powered through to see if it improved. And somehow got HOOKED. . .on multiple rewatches, it becomes more and more impressive. On *every* level. Couldn't get into Oz; not sure why.

Honeymooners/Seinfeld are both brilliant in their own ways; set so many enduring tropes in place & influenced SO much, that they're inarguable, however.


I watched it once. Wasnt impressed. Didnt do multiple rewatches. Oz is more like what you describe to me, started off slow but got really hooked into me as it went on.


Oh sure, blame the fans for something powerful, money-hungry, arrogant idiots in Hollywood did.


See, the thing that's all wrong about your OP is that you didn't write, "It's my opinion that...". You just blurted out all that bigotry as if you assumed everyone already agrees with you.

I'd be willing to bet that your next piece was going to be about how all older people have fixed, inflexible prejudices against young people, and think they know everything about them.......


I feel good bout future. Baby Yoda will save us all. I can feel it.


Well, as an old “geezer” who saw Empire Strikes Back in the theatre when he was 6 years old, I will say that I liked Revenge of the Sith and the new sequel trilogy for the most part. I didn’t care much for Phantom Menace And Attack of the Clones because I thought they were poor films.

But Star Wars is largely a pop culture phenomenon for Generation X. Does Star Wars need to evolve? I think that the original trilogy was the equivalent of lightning in a bottle. I do think Disney tried to make too many new SW movies and they should have released them every 3 years instead of every single year.


I blame the people who made them for the way they turned out. They were nothing more than uninspired, bland, lifeless rehashes of the OT with all of the fun and excitement sucked out of them. And not only that these films actually undermine what was accomplished in the OT. What's funny is that they were supposed to be apologies for the prequels and they ended up being far worse.


The OT was much better than the prequels. The Original Trilogy had:

- Charismatic characters

- Realistic visuals

- Originality

- Good stories

The prequels were an unnecessary backstory and more an extravagance for George Lucas - a vanity project. Why do we want to see what happened in the past when we already know what happens in the future? The prequels did not ultimately succeed in convincing viewers in answering that question. Those who loved the prequels lapped it up largely because of the action and the then new CGI special effects.

Quality storytelling never gets old. The classic scifi of the 1950s and 1960s inspired many filmmakers to evoke interesting and entertaining scifi on the big screen. The downside is that there were many imitators which tried to produce unoriginal versions of the best movies and this trend continues today with reboots of original ideas in frequently boring and unimaginative movies and television. Rebooting is not evolution of an idea it's just copying. The sequels occupy a space where at the same time they are both maudlin reboots and an attempt to revive the original character of the OT because that is the true Star Wars persona.

I agree that there was way too much duplication and mirroring of the story and character aspects in the sequel trilogy. What should have happened is that the newer characters should have had their own adventures and quests, with perhaps Luke, etc. offering to help and befriend them. It was not necessary or desirable to repurpose the old plots and situations from the OT and to "honour" the OT for some reason. This was part of an Abrams/Kennedy sales pitch wherein they were allegedly supporting the fans and offering true Star Wars material. Their actual main concern was managing the fans as willing consumers of the Disney brand - the priority was an economic objective not a cultural one.


Where did you get this information? It isn't just old fans who ruined it. Younger fans ruined it, by not understanding the original trilogy. This might be the dumbest theory or idea ever.
