Star Wars fandom is far too picky

I give up with this franchise, I really do. I don't think I've ever heard any other fandom complain about its own movies as much as Star Wars fans do, it gets really tedious after a while. I mean, why do you lot always demand 100% perfection in each and every movie and complain when you don't get it?

The original Star Wars comes out in 1977 and most young people like it because there's nothing to measure it by.
Then Empire Strikes Back comes out and there is some criticism from critics who don't like the ending.
Then Return of the Jedi comes out and everyone complains about the Ewoks.
Then the Special Editions come out and there is massive protests against the changes made by the franchise's own creator.
Then Phantom Menace comes out and everyone complains about Jar-Jar and Little Ani.
Then Attack of the Clones comes out and everyone complains about the love story.
Then Revenge of the Sith comes out and everyone complains about "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Then Force Awakens comes out and everyone complains about the rehash of the original Star Wars aspect of it, as well as the new diversity characters.
Then Last Jedi comes out and it's like a NUCLEAR BOMB OF COMPLAINTS.
Then Rise of Skywalker and everyone complains about Palpatine coming back and the story in general.

WHY are you Star Wars fans NEVER SATISFIED?


Because smart people always strive for perfection.


Including ROTJ and the Ewoks here is revisionist fallacy.

Otherwise though, yes but there's nothing wrong with that. Otherwise you're not really a fan of anything, you're just happily having shit shoveled into your mouth. Surely standing up and saying "Hey, stop it! I don't want any more of this shit shoveled into my mouth!" is a mark of passion, of the real fan.

Openly swallowing anything doesn't make you a fan of anything other than going to the multi-plex, getting an extra large popcorn and soda, switching your brain off and forgetting what you've seen previously (in the SAME series!) and clapping like some demented wind-up monkey.


Hahahaha what ? are you really posting this? dude you have done nothing but moan about these movies even before they have been released? are you fecking deluded? I cant believe im reading this, the man said picky!!!! hahahahahahahahhaha ROFL ,dude ,you are funny


I'm moaning about these movies because they're Disney, and they should NEVER have had Star Wars.


Why not? George Lucas wouldn't of done better, you're that picky you wouldn't of like gis sequel trilogy


If Disney realized how obsessed the fanbase was maybe they should have left it all alone.


"Then Attack of the Clones comes out and everyone complains about the love story."

Nah, ah. Thats not what they complained about.

This is what they complained about.

"I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere!"


Last line - check your privilege MF'er, this is offensive toward sand people.


It's the perfect thesis for a brave sociology major to tackle. Some day.


Or Disney could have made good movies with a planned out cohesive story and not added modern-day divisive politics?

Maybe not blame fans for rejecting shit?

How about putting the 3 main characters together in at least ONE scene?

Maybe not take a shit on Luke and Han?

I can't imagine why things have ended up the way they have...


I was satisfied with the six first movies and the extended universe,I'm not happy with the three new movies and lack of extended universe


Matrix...... Game of Thrones...... Star Trek....... Mad Max....... Highlander....... Die Hard..... Lethal Weapon..... Predator...... Terminator...... Alien....... Fans are just too picky!! 11!
