Movie is in route to be a BO success, Kathleen Kennedy won

It is proving once again that the "haters" (of all things relating to women) are a vocal minority and have no impact when it comes to a film's BO success. Kathleen Kennedy is laughing all the way to the bank.

Expect to see Star Wars continue on the same route as this trilogy.


Woke vs Haters! What an uninteresting fight. Wisdom score pre-req: none
Too bad the new movies aren't better. All of us (idiots or not) deserved much better.


Actually the opening weekend box office number is below the lowest expectations, which was between 190M ~ 220M.


The money's in the merch, and it ain't selling = FAIL.




Okay, I saw your name on my comments reply, and was expecting to get ripped!

You're a hardcore fan of the NT, aren't you?

Say 'Yes!', or my world no longer makes sense.



I wouldn't call myself a "hardcore fan" of the NT but I like the movies quite a lot and think they are much better than the PT although I've always had a soft spot for ROTS.


How 'bout that, we're building bridges of love over the holidays.

I'm imagining you right now in a toga, white plastic GoGo Boots, and Leia headdress.

. . . don't tell my wife.



If it's going to be lower than the TLJ then ... there is a problem.

The biggest problem? Merchandise and SW parks ...


About 20% lower than TLJ base on the opening weekend numbers, but I think that was because of TLJ.

20% is the number of the fans abandoned star wars franchise after watching TLJ..


I'm one of those :D

Will see the movie when it's going to be free.

That's why i don't comment on the quality of TROS ... yet.


So The Last Jedi lost $700million, Solo outright flopped.

And you think Star Wars will continue on the same route?

Ok then!


SW will only be on Disney plus and I expect the park to close in a years time.

“ Star Wars Galaxy's Edge May Close and Get Re-Branded. Following the news from Disney that attendance at their parks is down, it is now being claimed that the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge land may close and be re-branded.Aug 9, 2019”


Isn't that the truth.

Star Wars is doing sooooo well, Iger decided to put the movies on ice.


TLJ LOST 700milion??

How? lol. Dropped of it's pockets?


It did $700million less than Force Awakens.

Most modern sequels 99.99% of the time do more money than the previous movie.

Marvel is a good example.

ergo, The Last Jedi lost $700million.....thats almost Captain America: The Winter Soldiers total box office it lost.


Well, I don’t agree with you definition of “lost”.

You cannot lose something you never had.

But I see your point.
