One of the worst movies
I’ve seen in a long time. Spoilers. The pacing was awful, it was rushed and nothing made sense. Making the Emperor still the villain was stupid and made no sense. The writing a dialogue was once again cringy and hard to watch. When Hux says “I don’t care if you win, I just want Kylo Ren to lose” I almost died laughing. Also, making Rey the emperors granddaughter was laughable considering the age difference. Furthermore the movie was a complete rehash of Return of the Jedi. Especially the scene where the emperor is telling Rey your friends will die if you don’t join the dark side this completely mirrored the end of Return of the Jedi with Luke. Also, the Jedi having healing powers was ridiculous. Obi-Wan should of just healed all the Jedi Anakin killed then. The scene where Rey battles the emperor looked like a complete copy of Harry Potter vs Voldemort. This was a horrible end to a garbage cash grabbing series. These movies are a disgrace to the original Star Wars.