Spoilers: Family confusion, please clarify...

So Palpatine is Rey's grandfather. But I could've sworn Palpatine was also Darth Vader's father. That would make Rey a cousin, sibling or half-sibling to Luke and Leia and an aunt to Kylo.

But Rey kisses Kylo... on the lips . It was heavy like when Luke and Leia kissed. The difference here is that Rey and Kylo knew the family tree situation before they kissed.

Am I missing something or was this war of the stars just one big exercise in incestuous frustration?


I'm not sure but I think it's only in the EU that Palpatine literally fathered Vader, or at least caused Vader to form. The movies themselves have Anakin mysteriously fatherless, possibly a creation of the force itself, but nothing more.

Besides, at that level, Rey and Ben Solo would be second or third cousins or some such. Not nearly as bad as Luke and Leia

EDIT: "first cousins once removed," not even illegal in every state


My impression from the EU was that Anakin was actually created by Plagueis. Palpatine then basically searched out his master's experimental weapon against the Jedi, Anakin. In the novel Darth Plagueis, he was always at work in his laboratory doing crazy ass shit while Palps was doing his own thing. Even there it wasn't spelled out exactly who did it. But it was very clearly implied that Force manipulation is what brought about Anakin's creation.


What does "EU" mean?


Expanded Universe.


It's also what Disney refers to as "Legends" now.


I always thought that Palpatine created Anakin.


I went over the lineages in a separate thread:


Short answer is that they would be distantly related, and not in a by-blood manner.


I thought vader had no father. his mother just woke up pregnant one day.


The Rian Johnson ending was that Rey & Kylo were twins born of Leia.

Leia hooked-up with Palpatine during last call at the Mos Eisley Cantina when she was there on a secret diplomatic mission to free Broom Boy & Friends (who are permanently 12 years old for some reason), and Han had gone to a neighboring galaxy for an extended period smuggling medicine to a breakaway group of Christian Scientists.

Palpatine's deal was for one night of passion with Leia in exchange for the orphans, no safe words.

When Han returned home, he did the math and knew that he was not the father, and he split.


And during their moment of passion, Leia moaned "I have a bad feeling about this!"





Episode III Revenge of the Sith implies that Palpatine, through Plagueis dark side teachings, created Anakin via midichlorian manipulation.

That entire conversation at the Coruscant Opera House needs to be listened to, and then watch when Palpatine slyly looks over at Anakin when discussing midichlorian manipulation.

There's also an official canon comic, Darth Vader No 25, that reveals Palpatine's midichlorian manipulation on Shmi Skywalker directly in images.
