Rotten Tomatoes 57%

wow, brutal...

was 59%


Never fear, they'll have this shitshow bumped to 80%+ by Friday morning.


doubtly ... it's the critics that's that low ...


who knows, I think the critics are bailing on this dumpster fire.

down to 58% now...


Yep, when Iger didn't show to the premiere that was the signal to abandon ship, every man for himself.


Ratings are dropping fast, guess the word is out.


down to 57%...


down to 56%


That’s about 9% too generous.


The critics are wrong, in my opinion.

This is easily the best of the Disney trilogy.


That's not saying much.


....and better than any of the prequels(including ROTS).


Are you crazy? The movie is terrible. The worst Star Wars movie ever.


Not even close to being the worst.


WRONG! Such a waste of time and energy. I hated this movie more than any movie I have seen in the last 5 years and I have seen more movies than most people do.



Chillax, dude. These are just movies, forms of entertainment. Sorry you didn't like it.


I am chill hone. I just sound pissed, but I am not.


OK...hard to read people on the interwebs sometimes.




Agreed, this was definitely a ‘best case scenario’ movie after the abysmal The Last Jedi.

I would have preferred episode IX to be split into two movies though just so it felt less rushed. The Last Jedi didn’t even have a time jump and did nothing to progress the overall plot other than to kill Luke and Snoke.

With two movies they could have had way more character moments and flashbacks, important stuff like how Snoke turned Ben Solo to the dark side, more stuff on Palpatine and the Sith planet Exogul and just gone into so much more with the lore.

Instead we have one very overstuffed but fun movie that moves at breakneck speed and can’t do everything justice. I still really enjoyed it though and it’s much better than all of the prequels, I just feel it could have been so much more with two movies.


I don't think Disney felt confident in the guarantee of success with two films.

They are crossing their fingers that just this ONE film will be successful. They are seriously spooked and not without reason.


Yep, they did not expect the fan backlash of The Last Jedi. I’m quite confident Rian Johnson won’t be brought back for anything Star Wars related in the future, especially considering how much Rise acts as an apology for The Last Jedi.

Also outside of Avengers and Harry Potter part 1 and part 2 movies have been risky for franchises.

I’d still love an extended director’s cut of this movie though, just to help with pacing and to let some scenes breathe a bit more.

Also there’s more emotion and heart in this movie than all of the prequels. What a cold, horrible, loveless world the prequels exist in. Anakin Skywalker is creepy, whiny, arrogant and unlikeable, how Obi-Wan ever describes him as ‘a good friend’ in A New Hope I have no idea.

The prequels ruined Anakin Skywalker, The Last Jedi ruined Luke. This was an enjoyable Star Wars movie with some cringe but nothing on the level of the prequels ‘I hate sand’ and ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOO!’

The prequels are good for memes and Plinkett reviews but I keep getting told they’re ageing like fine wine LOL, they’re an embarrassment in my opinion, no one creatively challenged Lucas’ awful scripts or his lazy blue screen directing and we got three terrible movies. Sequel trilogy for me at least has 2 out of the 3 movies being good and rewatchable.


"and it’s much better than all of the prequels"



Believe it. Read the data and weep man child.


I never follow what that site says. It's too manipulated. I go to Spoiled Tomatillos instead for a more accurate rating.




I guess the critics have finally turned on this trilogy, but why now? The entire trilogy has been terrible. TFA was especially awful yet it critically acclaimed. I guess they are trying to hold on to any credibility that they can because they know the public won't take a positive review seriously for this film.


I believe that the Disney Trilogy was made solely to appeal to those who felt badly stung by the Prequel Trilogy, and Abrams knew exactly which emotional buttons to press to achieve this end. Probably why they chose him in the first place.


Not enough lesbian sex for RT
