Did you go to see the last jedi, will you go see rise of skywakker??

I am interested in people answers.

I watched the last jedi in cinema, i will not see this new film because this trilogy is not for me


Of course I will. I'm not as sensitive as most short attention spanned Star Wars fans who don't learn their lesson and cant let go of the OT and want to live In the past. Plus everything since ROTJ has been progressively better than that piece of shit movie. See I am not not biased. I was 12 when ROTJ came out and even than recognized that movie was the sillest POS to ever come out of theatrical Star Wars. Rogue ONE, Solo, the Mandalorian, the Prequels and the sequels are all better.


Last 30 minute of rotj is many times better than all of aotc i think


I loved AOTC. It's had silly moments, sure. But not as silly and stupid as ROTJ. It was a bit improvement over TPM with ROTS being the best and my favorite Star Wars movie..


This explains a lot.


I did. I will not.


No and no.


No and no.


Didn't see it, won't be seeing this. I only saw TFA because the whole damn family went, it was like, what we did that year. I will never support Disney's Star Wars movies even if they're good. I don't like the politics of the company, their conduct with the fanbase, and all that crap.


I have been checked out of seeing this franchise in theaters since force awakens; I saw what was coming in 2015 and I have not been wrong yet. Based on Bob Iger's comments, it was apparent they were never indenting on making films for those that loved the originals. They were trying to evolve and in so doing they lost completely what made star wars special.


Yep, I'll go watch it, eager to get some more answers on what the heck is going on with the First Order, Snoke, Imperial Remnant/Sith Empire, Palpatine, etc.

Don't get me wrong, TLJ was horrible but I think JJ will address many of those concerns with Rise. He's one that will sift through social media complaints and make ... adjustments.


No, and no. I'm not funding The Fall of Star Wars.
