MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Discussion > The First Rave ‘Rise of Skywalker’ React...

The First Rave ‘Rise of Skywalker’ Reaction Comes From a Teary-Eyed Richard E. Grant

“Just seen the 1st cast screening of @starwars #THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. What it achieves, weaves & resolves, is a total emotional meltdown & resurrection of the Spirit,” Grant wrote in the caption of his tweet, which also contained a video of the actor visibly in tears over the film.

“I’ve just seen Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker and nothing prepares you for this,” Grant says in the video, his voice shaking in emotion. “I cheered, I shouted, I fist pumped the air, I cried, I stood and cheered. It’s absolutely everything you hoped it would be. I’m so proud to be in it and I can’t wait for you to see it.”


Well, of course he would praise something he's in.


Well hold on a second there. Grant is a respected actor, so I’m inclined to give his words more weight. If he’s staking his reputation on this, then that counts for something. Not saying it proves the movie is good or anything. Maybe he’s sold out to Disney and is merely a shill. But this does give a slight glimmer of hope.


Then he will lose his reputation. He was good in only one movie as far as I'm concerned, "How to Get Ahead in Advertising."


Not seen Withnail and I?


Didn't like it.


Hudson Hawk?




Bram Stokers Dracula?


With Keanu Reeves? God, I haven't seen that movie in DECADES, I didn't even know REG was in it.


He played one of Lucy's suitors, such a great cast apart from Keanu...well his accent!


Hey now, he was great in Warlock. :)


What stakes?

You know mainstream media will praise the movie no matter how shitty it is, because that has become a political issue. He's just following the memo, as most of Hollywood will do. Nobody is risking shit for following the official memo.

If anything, he'd be staking his reputation by criticizing the movie, since that'd be followed but the public lynching and character assassination of his persona by the media.



Hudson Hawk is an awesome film!


It is typical for actors to promote/compliment a product they're starring in. This is nothing new. Hamill is one of the few who (thankfully) said "to hell with that" and just said what he feels. Most aren't going to be like that, though--they're going to praise the product and let their REAL feelings be known after release.

Do you know how many films have had "respected actors" praise the hell out of it pre-release only to reveal how much of a turd they found it to be post-release? Why would this be any different?


Why would he? If he thought it was crap he wouldn't comment


Well, it’s possible Disney paid him a nice “bonus” to do it


I heard Patrick Stewart LOVED the Emoji Movie



They shoot (space) horses, don't they


They fucking better.


Over what? Palpatine clones and Rey being his granddaughter, dafuq?


Richard E Grant hasn't been relevant for years, and he has a part in the movie.

I'll not cling to his every word as if it means something.


You can’t have realised that he was nominated for an Oscar this year.


And Crash won best picture Oscar in 2006, whats your point?


1) It's in his best interests to shill the film
2) He is an ACTOR - 'trembling' lol ... you have been sold by the craft.
