How stupid would have to be to believe doomcock?

I mean , jesus, the guy obviously hates star wars , but to make stuff up thats obvious BS is just desperate


I guess as stupid as your average SW detractor. They infest the Internet. You cannot have a normal discussion anymore. They ruin everything.


I'm 50/50 on some of the rumours so am i still stupid.
I'm 50/50 on some of the rumours but i love Star Wars.
I'm 50/50 on some of the rumours but i hate Disney Star Wars.
I'm 50/50 on some of the rumours but some do seem to be true r based on some truth.

They are just rumours that are being reported and many of his videos state multiple times that they are just rumours.

Doomcock and others like him don't hate Star Wars, they are reporting on rumours, be them true or false they are rumours and he is doing it for clicks to make a living.

Doomcock, WorldClassBullshitters, Geeks and Gamers, Nerdrotic, That Star Wars Girl, Mecharandom, Drunk3P0 and the rest of the fandom menace love Star Wars, they just hate what Disney has done to it.

It really is as simple as that. These people that include me are the ones who kept Star Wars relevant spending tens of thousands of pounds/dollars on everything Star Wars.

But yeh just keep using the blanket statement of you dislike Disney you must hate Star Wars, that in itself is stupid.

Both of the comments by you and lolkatz just imply that unless you like Disney Star Wars then you are stupid. How does me not liking Disney Star Wars ruin everything, it doesn't impct you in any way shape or form. You just want to sit on a morale high horse and lord over everyone else because you think only your opinion matters and your opinion is superior because you love Disney Star Wars

Here is a novel thought you can love Star Wars and dislike Disney, you do realise that don't you. Actually i'm not sure you do.


Are you nuts? Do you not think there's a relationship between the position these weirdos take on the recent Disney films and the rumours they choose to promote?

"keeping star wars relevant" What? You guys are in the twilight zone. Bizarroworld.


Niced reply, just insult.

End of dicscussion


Awww, diddums. :(



Ad hominem, it's all they have.


I know, i wasn't insulting. I just stated how any think and was replied with insults. They then play victim when you insult them the same way.

As i said his rumours could be all false. But they are just that, rumours, they don't sow discord (see above), they create clicks on youtube, they create discussion on both sides of the fence. But they don't want to have a discussion, they just want to scream racist, sexist, incel, trolls whatever popular buzzword is being used because how dare someone dislike something they like.

But lolkatz at his facist others don't want discourse, they just want to insult and silence.

I'm gonna put this as my standing end to any of my posts;

"You can love Star Wars and still hate Disney Star Wars"


To go at the lengths he goes to sow discord to me shows how immature this fan base has become, its sad to see


I'm pretty sure the script writers did that by jacking-up a story with an international fanbase of 500+ million people over 40+ years, not some dude in a foam helmet with 100K followers on YouTube.


They shouldn't be called "fan base" anymore. They are racist incels fueled by sinister Russian trolling (


So, the Russians are attacking Disney Star Wars?

And, those Russians engaged in the attack are racists & incels too, do I have that right?

So you really believe that a country with a GDP around the size of Italy, under heavy sanctions from virtually all Western countries, has the surplus income and motivation to attack a film franchise and a gaming subculture within the United States?

That's in addition to 'Russian Hacking' of Hillary's email account, and compromising the outcome of the 2016 election, correct?

This is really what you believe?


I believe the findings of the most relevant agencies, yes. What is your angle here really? Why do you defend Kremlin's activities? (


So your assertion is that the Kremlin is directly involved in a Russian operation to negatively impact Star Wars?

You're also asserting that The Daily Mail is a reliable source of news and that US Intelligence/Law Enforcement Agencies can be trusted?

The same media and federal agencies that lied us into an 18+ year 'war against a tactic' in the Middle East?


. . . just fucking WOW!


LOL, people can just google the topic, all the major news outlets reported on it. It's simply a part of the whole package on the part of the Kremlin propaganda machinery. They create mistrust, play on male insecurities about women, on xenophobia etc. Here's another link, you Russian troll, you: And stop wasting my time! Unlike you, I'm not paid to spread lies!


'And stop wasting my time! Unlike you, I'm not paid to spread lies!'

I'm not wasting your time, you apparently feel that you're wasting your own time . . . by responding to me.

By the way, I'd be surprised if you're paid to do anything.


I'm sorry but you sounded very defensive about Russia trolling, and even brought up international sanction. It's like you really work for them. What is your opinion about meddling in the 2016 elections? Are you going to try to deny that, too?


I agree with the findings of election meddling:

- That Seth Rich, an IT worker for Hillary, acquired files on a thumb-drive and sent them to Wikileaks.
- That pederast John Podesta was stupid enough to fall for a phishing scam, and ended-up on Wikileaks.
- That Leftest criminals at the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ/FISA Court colluded to skew the 2016 election.
- .etc

Incidentally, has Rachael Maddow weighed-in on the Russia-Disney Star Wars connection yet?


Well Wikileaks has been the Kremlin's project from the beginning, and Assange is the Russian intelligence officer, as the Mueller Report concluded. Are you going to continue spreading Russian propaganda in a SW discussion, all the while denying that you are a Russian troll?


Yes, you've outed me, I'm a Russian Agent, apparently communicating with a cartoon character.

That said, I'd still like an answer to my question:

"Does the word 'incel' also refer to fat pig SJW females wearing pink pussy caps?"


Well, yes you may be one - a Russian troll - why not? It's not like you need any special skills for that. Here's a Time magazine video on the topic. Oh, you don't consider Time Magazine as a reliable source of information? (


Does the Time Magazine link elicit information on Fat Female Incels?


"Doomcock, WorldClassBullshitters, Geeks and Gamers, Nerdrotic, That Star Wars Girl, Mecharandom, Drunk3P0 and the rest of the fandom menace love Star Wars, they just hate what Disney has done to it."

^ This, and I'm with these people.


Doomcock, WorldClassBullshitters, Geeks and Gamers, Nerdrotic, That Star Wars Girl, Mecharandom, Drunk3P0 and the rest of the fandom menace love Star Wars, they just hate what Disney has done to it.

This. Literally this. And that pretty much echoes what most of us who hate Disney Star Wars feel.


He clearly loves Star Wars more than any of us. And I believe him.


What!!!!! How on earth can you tell me he loves star wars? So are you telling me that 75% of the movie was reshot whens its claimed the reshoots for TROS are less than TFA. You need your head checked if you believe anything that fool says.



Solo was 4 months behind schedule and $250 million over budget based on reshoots after Ron Howard had to takeover production late in the game, completing around 70% of the total film.

It appears from an article in Variety that ~85% of Solo was reshot.

'Production was originally slated from February to July 2017. By June, with the film behind schedule, crew members were told they would not be wrapping until August. When Howard came aboard, it was mandated that 85% of Lord and Miller’s “Solo” be reshot, including second unit material. Howard’s work ultimately comprises 70% of the finished film. The shoot would extend four more months, finally wrapping on Oct. 17.'

It's not too much of a stretch to believe RoS has gone down the same road, as the track record is there with Lucas & Disney.


And with such time-consuming and EXPENSIVE reshoots making ROS's budget balloon in size, it's not so far-fetched to predict that it will flop as badly (if not worse) as Solo did.


Where did Doomcock say he hates Star Wars? As far as I know, he hates DISNEY Star Wars, which is something else altogether.


Exactly. I, like many of us, grew up with the Original Trilogy and most of Doomcock's complaints mirror my own. He complains about Disney Star Wars with fire and passion that any pissed off fan can understand.

I'm sick and tired of people like Furious and other people who are on their hands and knees for Disney Star Wars 24/7 trying to paint some sort of false narrative that those of us pissed off by what Disney has done to this trilogy are "some vocal minority". Clearly, that's not the case and box office alone proves that.


Wo wo wo wo sweet child of mine , im not on my hands and knees for Disney its just i dont run around these forums or twitter acting all pissy because Disney didnt make the movie i wanted, The Last Jedi was atrocious, the rest of what they put out has been good.

Box office proves what ? Solo is the only movie to not make a billion , and finally pretty much everything has a high audience score excluding TLJ and including The Mandalorian so yes , you are a minority.


You're literally acting all pissy about Doomcock in this thread. You're making a thread to complain about people complaining about Disney Star Wars. You're doing PRECISELY what you're accusing others of doing. Quite hypocritical.

If I was such a minority then why is Disney doing a "regime change", cancelling movies in favor of streaming, cancelling their "Star Wars movies every year" model? Explain that to me. Something made them change their entire direction. You tell us what that is. Explain it.


Dude its not all that bad , theres been Rogue One, TFA, Solo, all fun movies, im enjoying the mandalorian and i think TROS looks really good, i detest TLJ to the point where i was done with the franchise but this and the mandalorian have me looking forward again, this doomcock is like movieworldexpress, just a rabid fan bhoy that talks shite, lifes too short dude, just try and enjoy it


It's sad to see you, a poster I once found to be rather intelligent, posting this. You really think what he reported on is that far-fetched? Let me also reiterate that this guy is merely relaying what OTHER people have reported on for this film.

Also, it seems we had the same people doing free damage control on these boards when the script leak for The Last Jedi occurred and look how that turned out: all wound up being true.

None of these rumors sound any less stupid than The Last Jedi and, after that shart of a movie, it's not at all difficult to believe that these rumors could be true. Your quick dismissal of it really downgrades my past opinion of you, a poster I once respected.

If you want to enjoy Disney's take on this franchise then that's your business and your right but if you're not perceptive/open enough to understand why people hate Disney's take on this then there is nothing I or anyone else could say to make an appeal to you.

You've really sunk low, Furious.
