The hatred of detractors that used to be called the disgruntled fans of the franchise, though that label probably no longer applies, as a more sinister propaganda machinery may be at play (, has reached new lows. The discussion here is inundated by false claims, based lies, and very thinly disguised racism by the SJW-calling haters, who spoil the fun for the true SW fans, i.e. those people that may want to learn something genuine about the upcoming movie, or join a sensible discussion. Moderators must act and clean this place up!
How's this: I just want to enjoy my space wizards movie, and don't need to read the disgusting misleading trash. I'd avoid it if I could, but it has become so prevalent that I simply cannot find some genuine normal criticism and/or discussion about the movie because of the detractors and campaigners against the Sequels, the Disney, the Jews, blacks or women.
How's this: I just want to enjoy my space wizards movie, and don't need to read the disgusting misleading trash. [...] Moderators must act and clean this place up!
Well, you can read each and every digital magazine that will praise the movie (with a few honest exceptions). Just check The Last Jedi reviews in MetaCritic. Most of them are scoring 10/10. Be sure they'll do the same with RotS.
And that's not enough? Youtube comments are regularly 'cleaned up'. Reddit is regularly 'cleaned up'. Twitter is regularly 'cleaned up'. Mainstream media is systematically 'cleaned up'. iMDB was 'cleaned up' (completely). Now Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews have been 'cleaned up'. But that's not enough, isn't it?. You need each and every forum, each and every corner of the internet to be 'cleaned up' of any dissidence that could annoy you and obstacle your enjoyment of a space wizards movie.
Because fuck critical thought, fuck freedom, you want to enjoy you space horses movie!
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Well, wherever I go to, and wish to engage into a discussion about Star Wars, I run into vile slander. The Internet is simply infested with anti-SW hate. Yes, there are formal reviews by the bona fide movie crits, but for us common folks, be it You Tube videos (I don't get the feeling they are being 'cleaned up' sorry), or internet forums like this, wherever you go, it's just vile venomous propaganda.
Yes we are you are correct but unfortunately that is not how the internet works anymore as shown by this thread and others like it on here and other platforms.
I say "I dislike a particular performance by an actress", i'm now racist, misogynist and afraid of woman.
I say " i dislke a certain movie", i'm now a hater and a troll.
These are the new rules and if you disagree with any or all of them you will be classed as a basement dwelling, incel and whatever popular "ism" or "phobe" they want to throw at you.
TLJ was not a bad movie. On the contrary, it was a very well-made, well-received (confirmed by the genuine poll data of cinema goers, rather than internet trolls) part of the franchise. Stop saying that it was bad, "an abomination," or whatever slanderous tag they slap on this movie and its director!
This is my opinion and cannot be wrong, it can be disagreed with but cannot be wrong.
You like it, great, more power to you, doesn't mean the rest of us have to. We are allowed to dislike a movie and critique it any way we see fit. Just because you like it doesn't mean you can silence people because you need your safe space.
You are trying to be righteous and morally high by systematically being facist by trying to quiet peoples opinion based on your own ideals, wierd how that works.
OK that was a cheap shot! The amount of hatred directed towards TLJ is not normal criticism. Not even a horrendous movie such as "The Room" would deserve the amount of hatred that TLJ (a very good movie, mind you, regardless of problems some may find about it) is being thrown at. It just isn't normal! Period!
So what if there was hatred towards "The Last Jedi", are you that much of a snowflake you cannot read things that go against your weak sensibility, grow up.
You don't wanna read it, don't read it, it really is as simple as that.
Get over yourself.
The room doesn't have millions of adoring fans who would happily throw money at Disney if only they would actually make a decent product and not systematically destroy what made Star Wars the greatest trilogy ever made.
You do realise the same fans you are happily attacking are those same fans that bought every piece of merchandise and all the different versions of the movies everytime Lucas decided to tinker with them. You do realise they are the same fans that basically kept the franchise going when there were no movies to speak of.
Without those hateful fans you speak off that somehow stop you enjoying your space wizards there wouldn't be a shit film to complain about. I'll assume the irony will be lost on you as you once again play victiim.
The truth?! Are you for real?! What you just said is a tirade full of arbitrary complaints that are totally unfounded. You exclaim TLJ is rubbish, and that Disney "can't make a decent product" and the like, without providing any foundation for these outlandish claims.
Don't think you know what "tirade" means or for that matter "arbitrary". What i said wasn't unfounded either, you are proof of that. You are calling people names because they are criticising a movie, everything i said above is exactly what you are doing.
You do realise you are the one complaining. You are the one who started this thread, you can't say things like,
"hatred of detractors"
"sinister propaganda machinery"
"false claims"
"based lies"
"thinly disguised racism"
"who spoil the fun for the true SW fans" (that one is laughable)
"disgusting misleading trash"
And then play victim when someone confronts you about it. You are a facist, you do not want to converse or discuss, you just want people who disagree with you silenced, the very definition of a facst.
You are a real Star Wars fan are you, ok, so why do you want other Star Wars fans silenced. I have spent thousands upon thousands of pounds on Star Wars. Merchandise, Comic Cons, movies, travelling to see the actors. But because i don't like the trash that Disney is pumping out, someehow i am no longer a Star Wars fan. Yeh get over yourself. Fans have been disagreeing with each other since the dawn of pop culture, doesn't mean they still don't love the movies they are arguing about.
Show me proof of racism, show me proof of lies, show me proof of propaganda. And don't reply with i don't have to, unfortunately as stated ealier you do, you started this thread and the proof of burden is on you.
Others are also pointing out your complete lack of free speech. Enjoy your little bubble of safety. Nothing you say or do will stop people complaining, criticising and arguing about Star Wars no matter how much you push your facist agenda.
What an appalling case of bait and switch! No, I don't mean to silence normal criticism, I meant the hysterical and exaggerated, often slanderous things that are being said in comments sections and forums such as this one; and particularly the racist and sexist comments people make about certain cast members of the SW sequels. What are the moderators doing? Any OP that protests casting minorities, for example, should be immediately taken down, even if it doesn't use explicit racist slurs (they rather bemoan "wokeness" and "SJW" in lieu of the explicitly racist language, of course). However, there are dozens of them that are still allowed to exist. That's disgusting.
Only Real Star Wars Fans (TM) like real Star Wars movies. There are only 6 real Star Wars movies, the rest are Disney fan fiction movies based on real Star Wars movies.
I have had many discussions regarding why people dislike the Prequels and it comes down to one thing. People dont like them because they are not the OT.