The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!
Someone had to say it.
Froggie did.
I love The Emperor (my favourite SW character along with Lando and Dr Evazan), but I'm not sure how I feel about his return. I felt his fate in ROTJ was pretty divisive.
shareI love how a single laugh has everyone assuming his return.
shareThe guy who played Palpatine is credited in the next film as him
shareThat does not mean Palps is going to be resurrected in this movie.
Mark Hamill is credited too. He'll still be dead.
Hamill is widely expected to appear as a Force Ghost. If the Jedi can become Force Ghosts glowing with blue light, why can't Sith become Dark Force Ghosts as well? They're both using different aspects of the same power!
And I adore that vicious old queen.
You mean decisive?
Maul got worse treatment, cut in half before falling, but he lived on. Palpatine could easily survive just a simple fall!
The Emperor did also kind of explode into a beam of force energy. Never mind that the death star exploded shortly thereafter. I guess maybe he could have have had an escape pod conveniently waiting for him at the bottom of the abyss which he could have used after he rematerialized himself. That certainly wouldn't be terrible writing.
Never mind that it would comepletely undermine Vader/Anakin's sacrifice & destiny to destroy the Sith
Probably better to stick with the clone/sith force ghost idea
I do mean 'decisive'.
Damn autocorrect.
I just assume that he exists in the afterlife the same as Obi Wan, Vader and Yoda.
shareI think he’s been able to cheat death just like he was on about in the opera scene from Revenge of the Sith.
He may have even been Snoke this whole time (would explain the similar dialogue that he had to the Emperor in The Last Jedi)
Heck he could even be a clone. Now if only they could find a way to bring Luke back as well so we can have a Luke v Emperor lightsaber duel.
I love palpatine he is a really cool character but I have a feeling if they bring him back they’ll fuck him up like they did with Han, Leia and especially Luke
shareSince the sequels have borrowed elements from the previous sequel novels, I suspect (as others do) that he could have clones.
I am betting my money on Snoke being a failed "rogue" Palpatine clone.
Let me guess. His physical body is dead but his spirit lives on in his lightsaber, and it's up to a group of hobbits to throw it into the volcano from where it was forged.
shareYou know, worse ideas than that have made it into Development Hell.
shareWhy didnt the eagles just fly Frodo to Mt. Doom? They still owed Gandalf at the start of the trilogy.
Answer I always see is that the eagles cant be near the ring or they will be corrupted by it.
But its wrong... in the Hobbit, the eagles rescue the entire group and fly them to safety. Bilbo has the ring in his pocket when this happens.
Not sure if that made it to the film. I only remember it from the animated Hobbit movie.
Carrying the hobbits in by eagle will be far too obvious. Sauron would have almost certainly gotten the ring back.
Can't remember what the eagles did in the Hobbit, I'll have to read it again (stuff the film)
Well the eagles had no trouble with the Ringwraith defenses...
But aside from that, they could have flown the troupe to the edge of Mordor (one does not just fly into Mordor lol) and bypassed the hardest part of the trek.
Besides, your point about Obviousness is moot, as the Eye of Sauron was watching the troupe the whole time and they knew it.
The biggest WTF about LOTR is why Sauron created a ring imbued with so much of his power that destroying it would lead to his undoing.
I got the impression from Tolkien-related sources that the great eagles generally never interfered with Middle-Earth events. When they were called-on in the stories, it's more to bail-out someone in a tight spot rather than actively advancing the plot.
Eeer... as for the rest you'll have to take it up with the Tolkien fan club.
Yes, the eagles are a ham fisted plot device that Tolkien only used for convenient getaways (three times in the entire series).
As for them interfering, Gandalf didnt cash in the favor they owed him until Two Towers where he got stuck.
If he had cashed it in at the start to bypass the dangerous trek to Mordor, he wouldn't have gotten stuck there in the first place.
Plus, thats not interference to the eagles if they only know that they are transporting, and not told the reason.
P.s. as you can probably tell, I don't particularly like the LOTR series.
shareIt would be funny because they would basically their Emperor 2.0 in snoke failed so badly.