Honest question: Is anyone really excited for this?

I'm not. The overal story of First Order vs Resistance just bores me because its a exact rehash of Empire vs Rebels. What else can they do? They have written themselves into a corner and TLJ just felt like a filler episode were nothing actually happens to further the overal story and plot of the trilogy. The whole arc is broken. 1 movie left and its not enough to start something interesting again because everything needs to be resolved at the end of it. Unless you make a 4 hour movie which is impossible...

The end of TLJ just left me kinda down. I felt like it was the end for Star Wars in general. What else was there to tell? The First Order just won and the Resistance is down to like 4 people...
All OT characters are either dead in the movies or dead in real life.. Now they are bringing Lando back? And Luke as a Force Ghost is just pissing me off, cuz he should be there ALIVE.


You are right

It will be a hard sell the fight between Rey and Kylo, seeing that she has already beat him twice, Snoke should have been the main big bad but that ship has sailed


Nope. Not at all. They dropped the ball so horribly with this trilogy. It was like it was designed to destroy everything involved with the original trilogy. We got exactly ZERO scenes together with Luke, Han, and Leia. Now, everyone I cared to see is no longer in the trilogy, and I don't care enough about the new characters to go see this film in theaters.

All that being said, the new trilogy's movies have been entertaining, but the story and complete lack of respect for the original characters has been dogshit.

I'm done with it. Hope everyone else enjoys it though. I'm sure Rey wins easily, haha.


Unless they do Obi-Wan, I doubt i'll ever bother seeing a Star Wars movie again. What happens when this movie ends? The First Order is defeated? Who cares. They'll just have some new version of the Empire/First Order being the bad guys in the next movies. The good guys can't ever actually win, they gotta make a hundred more of these movies.

There were vital elements that needed to be established by the last trilogy that would have laid the groundwork for years to come. You know, exactly what the EU did starting with Heir to the Empire. You have to have an established Jedi School, you have to have a Republic rebuilding itself.

This new trilogy can only end where Return of the Jedi already ended. It's just been one huge long stall. I'm sure Rey and her Jedi texts will now do what Luke was supposed to be doing. Poe will end up doing what Leia should have already had done. Probably none of this even on screen. It's just gonna be some weird parallel EU doing a lot of the same crap.


Damn, you are spot on. Its all just a repeat. Ending exactly like the Original Trilogy ended. Say about the prequels whatever you want, but at least those were original stories and deepened the Star Wars lore and mythology.
I also like Rogue One alot because it gave more info and just gave us overall more OT-era Star Wars and tied the Prequel Trilogy and Original Trilogy together a little bit more.

Sure it wasn't that original story, but it was enjoyable and action packed. Not lore breaking or story breaking like The Last Jedi.


I was not much of a fan of Rogue One either. Why? I got the impression these extra stories were to be extra stories instead the first one out of the gate is episode 3.9


Not at all.



i'm really excited to see this movie.


My 6 and 7 year old boys keep asking when the next movie is coming.


