Honest question: Is anyone really excited for this?

I'm not. The overal story of First Order vs Resistance just bores me because its a exact rehash of Empire vs Rebels. What else can they do? They have written themselves into a corner and TLJ just felt like a filler episode were nothing actually happens to further the overal story and plot of the trilogy. The whole arc is broken. 1 movie left and its not enough to start something interesting again because everything needs to be resolved at the end of it. Unless you make a 4 hour movie which is impossible...

The end of TLJ just left me kinda down. I felt like it was the end for Star Wars in general. What else was there to tell? The First Order just won and the Resistance is down to like 4 people...
All OT characters are either dead in the movies or dead in real life.. Now they are bringing Lando back? And Luke as a Force Ghost is just pissing me off, cuz he should be there ALIVE.


Noop...fuck star wars!


No. As a matter of fact I walked out midway through tfa, and I never looked back. I saw the commercials for tlj, and that was enough to keep me from ever wanting to see it. Then I watched Mark Hamil bash the hell out of the movie online, and I figured that that was all of the modern Star Wars entertainment that I was going to get. I grew up reading the books and while I admit that some of them were bad to have disney come out and tell me to basically screw off and tat those stories were now meaningless didn't win them any points with me. Hell, the only reason I saw through half of tfa was because the Ziegfeld theater (100 year old movie house in NYC) was closing down and I just wanted to go to that theater one last time. If tfa hadden't been the last movie to ever be shown there I wouldn't have seen any of that crapfest.


My one and only visit to the Ziegfeld was a matinee showing of The Phantom Menace. Magnificent theater. It's a shame that it's gone.


I wonder how much they destroyed what was inside with the "transformation" into the Ziegfeld ballroom...

I saw Bladerunner there too. That was when it was rereleased in the early 2000s. That was the first time that I went to the Ziegfeld. I was in complete awe of how huge the screen was.


Yeah, that pissed me off too. In my view, Disney doesn't get to tell me that EU is not canon. Thrawn/Heir to the Empire trilogy is brilliant, and would have made fantastic films. There was no reason to discard the EU material, Disney just did it because they could.


They had a perfect three part story arc (or even more) with the Thrawn trilogy. It even came complete with a badass female character who was on par with Luke for screen time, and was loved by the fandom. I guess as the old saying goes "You can't fix stupid." And the bigwigs running and ruining disney certainly are in possession of the stupid gene.


To be fair, it's a lot to ask of Disney to try to sift through all of the EU material and make sure that their new films didn't contradict any of the earlier books. It would be an utter logistical nightmare and they'd probably end up fucking it up if they did try.


I am not saying that they needed to use all of it, but they could have used the best of it and used that as a template. And to be honest they should have gone through all of it. Even if it took a year or so. That way they would have been able to select the best stories, and characters to use in their new movies. Think about it, if you get hired for a new job are you going to just pick, and choose certain things that you want to do, or are you going to learn everything that you need to know about your position so that you can be the best employee that you can be. If you don't agree with me that is fine, but all of the Star Wars EU authors went through the books, comics, video games, et cetera that came before so that they could learn as much about the preexisting stories, and the Star Wars universe so that their stories would fit into the then existing cannon. That was a heck of a lot harder to do back in the 90s and early 2000s because they literally had to read and watch everything. These days someone can just hop onto Wookiepedia (it exists look it ip if you aren't aware of it) and read synopsis after synopsis and make it through all of the most important EU in about a month if they are dedicated. But I bet the dumb schmucks at disney were too dense to even do that.


I understand your point.

And to be fair, they ARE pulling upon that lore to some extent. There are new, in-canon Thrawn books for instance, so it seems like their plan is to adopt characters and stories from the old EU as it suits them, and re-contextualize those elements within the current canon.

I can definitely understand why fans who invested a lot of time in going through the EU materials and building their knowledge about the Star Wars universe are disappointed and irritated that Disney decided to just sweep all that aside. On the other hand, Disney de-canonizing the stories does not mean they cease to exist. They can still be read and enjoyed, it's just that now they have a "Legends" banner printed on them.

Regarding your analogy about getting hired for a new job, again, I can understand it. In a very real sense, Disney is now working for the Star Wars fans. But on the other hand, Disney is not really a new employee . . . they are the new owner of the company. And when a new owner comes in, there are always changes made to the old way of doing things.


Nope. I walked out midway through The Force Awakens and never looked back. Star Wars is a dead brand.


I thought they quit after Solo bombed? I haven't bothered with the last few SW movies and am not excited about this one either. I think Disney are over saturating the market. The original films came out years apart.


Sadly I agree with the original poster...’
In my opinion the most wasted opportunity in the history of cinema


I'm just curious to see what J.J. does to try and wrap up this trilogy. I don't care what all the winy haters of jar jar Abrams say. But when Luke's lightsaber flew into Rey's hand and the Force Theme swelled in the theater, I thought, "JJ Abrams gets it. He gets Star Wars."

Just from a storytelling challenge I want to see what he does to "fix this".


Same here 100%


That was the perfect moment for Luke to show up. And JJ ruined that shit too. Some hobo girl who didn't even know Force existed a couple of days ago can force pull it away from Kylo? Fucking bullshit.


So so sad. Thoughts and prayers.


Nah. I liked TFA in spite of its many flaws. Then I found R1 to be boring, flat, and spiritless. Then TLJ broke my Star Wars forever. Solo was the last chance I was going to give them. My last hope. So after that sucked as bad as it did, I gave up on SW. My last shred of interest was snuffed by the these last three and a half films.

No more.


What I am most excited about is just seeing what JJ comes up with.

He kicked off this trilogy and then handed it to Rian, who upended much of what he worked to establish (which is something I'd LOVE to have his CANDID thoughts about). Now he has been given the reins again and it's going to be interesting to see what he does to try to clean up Rian's mess and get the story back on track.

Basically, JJ needs to make the best movie of his life.


No, not at all. There is zero excitement for this guaranteed travesty of a film.

The loss of Ackbar pisses me off the most.
