why does nobody want/likes Luke as a force ghost in Episode IX? please answer my question.

a lot of fans don't like the idea of Luke begin a force ghost in Episode IX. why? why does nobody likes this idea? they want him a alive. I like the idea of Luke begin a force ghost and him haunting his nephew. (ben/Kylo Ren) also helping Ray continue her journey as a Jedi.

so why does nobody wants Luke as a force ghost in Episode IX? please answer my question.

TLJ haters don't like this idea and they want him alive in IX.






Is it that they hate the idea of a force ghost, or do they just keep ignoring the fact that force ghosts are a part of Star Wars?

I’ve read so many people say, “They killed Luke!” Funny, that didn’t stop Obi-Wan or Yoda from visiting after their deaths. Why would it be any different with Luke?

Sometimes people just like to complain.


finally!! thank you! somebody understands me.

the fans are fine/ok with having Obi-Wan or Yoda and Anakin as a force ghost. but not Luke. lol stupid fans.




It's retreading beats needlessly.

That's why.


Probably because it'd lead to the character being raped and downgraded even further.


I liked the Luke arc in TLJ, and I'm happy to see him as the wisest Force Ghost of them all.

Don't take these boards as an indication of real fan opinion. A huge percentage of the posts are made by a few people who hate the Disney Star WArs films and who devote their lives to disparaging them, and they've succeeded in making the boards so unenjoyable that the non-haters stay away.


this phenomenon seems to affect all the boards I frequent, wonder where all these real fans evaporated to? But alsways nice finding an dissenting opinion.

I kinda enjoyed revisiting Luke too despite of the questionable writing. I mean the "I don't care for anything except for murdering my nephew and trolling him with Force projection as long as I can pout and die on an unfindable island" was not really congruent with the character profile from the originals.

But where do you take "wisest Force Ghost" of all...? I mean we can discuss character, but "I hate the Jedi, and tell you three or really just two lessons why they must end because of failure and unbalance and all" was one of the most whiny and fallacious rambles I ever heard, maybe that was really bipolar Jake Skywalker, not Luke?


I liked Luke's arc in TLJ largely because I actually hate the Jedi myself. I thoroughly disliked what I saw of them in the prequels, they were all about rules and regulations and thou-shalt-nots and politics and taking little kids away from their parents and telling them never to get attached to anyone again. The Luke we saw in TLJ had come to understand that he didn't need to do what was expected of him and re-start all that Jedi crap again, and in the end he became one with the Force after coming to a deeper understanding of it than any Jedi.

And that's all I'm going to say, because I don't enjoy talking to the people on this board.


that's fair and original enough a point of view, Otter.


I'm all for it, personally. Sounds great.


that's cool.


Disney's TFA was a 200 million dollar fanfiction abomination that killed any hope I had for this Mickey Mouse era Star Wars . I've largely detached myself from having any meaningful investment in Di$ney Wars.

They can do whatever they want with their Jake Skywalker character. I just hope Mark Hamill gets a fat check out of it


who's Jake Skywalker?


I didn't like it because we didn't get to see him in action in this new set of movies. I wanted to see him fight, even if very briefly.


we will see him in action in Episode 9.


And this is the answer I've been waiting for! Seeing force ghosts take part in action sequences will be to episode 9...what Carrie poppins was to episode8. Welcome to guardians of the galaxy...far far away😂😂😂👎 #adderalliskillingstarwars
