MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Sorry Ryan Johnson but subverting expect...

Sorry Ryan Johnson but subverting expectations isnt...

a substitute for consistent character development,good fight choreography, story and plot, dialogue and even sets and rise en scene.

I get the insane logic that went through his head. "people complained FA was too much of a copy!! so ill just do the opposite of everything!! Rey is a nobody, her and kylo dont get training like in ESB, Luke doesn't show up in person, SNoke doesn't live he dies!!".

I was never a fan of FA but Jesus this movie made FA look like a masterpiece.


I heard on opening day, he got no less than 3 million death threats for his horrendously bad film. I can't imagine how many he's gotten by the time of this post.


Three million Star Wars fan-dementalists eh ?


was never a fan of FA but Jesus this movie made FA look like a masterpiece.

No it didn't unless by "FA" you you're referring to the 2004 live action Fat Albert movie in which case maybe?

TLJ couldn't exist without TFA. That's what got the ball of sh*t rolling from the onset.


Did you even watch the movie? anything with any potential in FA had its "expectations subverted". either way glad out of all my arguments you chose one comment to get triggered about.


Thanks to Jar Jar Abrams any "potential" TFA could have had was undermined by himself. It was a pile of uninspired dog sh*t with poorly developed characters & jumbled up maze of empty "mystery" plot holes. It laid an incredibly poor foundation which led directly mess that followed it.

Those of us not blinded by hype and denial, who immediately recognized TFA for the trash it was weren't shocked by the following result.


we dont know they were empty mystery plot holes. they never got fully realized because Johnson ruined them.

hahahaha okayy bud. you probably sniff your own farts too. stick with movies like only Sundance films and telling everyone how "modern mainstream cinema is such trash. there are no true auteurs anymore"


Not sure why you're trying so hard to be combative. I understand that many who got caught up in the hype & lied to themselves about TFA have since found comfort in laying the blame on TLJ but simply put there were those of us who saw TFA for the un-salvageable mess that it was back in 2015 thanks to Jar Jar, fully expecting what followed. We called it & were ultimately proven right because the evidence was already there from the beginning.


yes no one liked TFA, its only because of the hype. they def didn't like TFA before TLJ... Jesus stop embarrassing yourself. keep up the fart sniffing


Well I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't just intent on trolling. Oh well


yes im trolling. because im making fun of your comments that TFA was solely hype. and that they had to retroactively somehow wait til TLJ to say "look TFA is good!"

your posts are embarrassing. "we called it and were ultimately proven right"

Lol who are you? a nobody who wrote a post once on reddit and thinks he represents every single Star Wars fan. this is sad.


A very wise man once said, "subverting expectations is tight."


And super easy...


Barely an inconvenience.


If it subverts expectations, it's good!


who needs Luke to be consistent. It doesn't matter if he went from always believing the good in people and risking everything for that, to almost murdering his nephew over a vision! we didn't get what we expected so that doesn't matter


I must admit, I kinda liked that Luke had one lapse to the Dark Side, and that caused such irrevocable, cataclysmic harm. The idea that allowing a small amount of evil into your life can cause deadly ramifications was, I think, a great message, and very true to real life: you can't mix in evil and expect good things to happen.

That said, the fact that Luke then just threw up his hands and went to sulk in his room (so to speak) for about ten years is ridiculous. That's 50% on Rian Johnson (for not giving us a good reason as to why Luke would do this) and 50% on J.J. Abrams for screwing up the gap years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens (and he FUMBLED those gap years HARD!)


Just when you thought a film could not rip off the original trilogy more than TFA...
