we get no backstory on snoke or kylo

they are just the evil and bad guys, should have made a whole movie dedicated to them, a whole more interesting than rose and finn.

and it is also very important, but i guess hollywood film makes don't want to show the story and lives of, in their eyes, the evil doers. they are just there to be taken down.


Yeah but that’s sounds potentially interesting and we can’t have that, instead we need more canto bright scenes



And the canto bright scenes are about the skywalkers? Also I’m pretty sure Kylo is related to Luke, just saying.




yeah, to learn something about the "bad" guys, we have to read about them..... they never show it in the movies.

With rouge one and the han solo movie coming, i think movies about some of the bad guys should be made as well.



exactly, nobody is born evil. What exactly is the first order. Perhaps they are the good guys and the rebels are bad. ...... without telling the empire and the first order stories, i feel we only know half the truth.

Most cringe worthy moment imo was in TFA, with the huge nazi like parade and speech by Hux... come on now.

No need to tell their story because they are just Nazis and and just bad guys! *rolleyes*


i was not around for the first 6 movies.... but i guess how this works is: you watch TFA and last jedi, and then go read the 1000's of internet pages that explains the stories and characters ..... hmm, okay, just strange that the movies explains the heroes story but not the "bad" guys


With Kylo we get a bit of backstory, even short flashbacks - it's essentially Anakins story reahashed. Only thing unclear is his motivation to become evil. Kylo is a very silly character, e,g., praying to Vader to protect him from the "light", despite Vader going back to the light, destroying the dark side, and currently existing a light-side Force ghost...

Snoke is a disgrace, he too is just a blatant copy (of the Emeror), but we would need more backstory here. This character does not fit with what came before: A super powerful dark side user heading an Empire clone, where was he during the Empire times - a Sith...no, rule of two. A Jedi...?


Basically the backstory is that ben solo may have grown up in a castle but his mother was away a lot on business and Han solo got bored and would go off doing his own thing. Feeling neglected snoke was able to get into his head and influence him. This is what we know about his background. And then when Luke tried to kill him it just made things worse.


The new Disney Expanded Universe will be spewing out Kylo & Snoke history for the next thirty years. I think this is pretty much how Star Wars is going to work moving forward. Throw what you want in a movie, worry about explaining it later. It's a proven business model with LucasFilm, for good or bad.
