MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > A twist that might be able to save Episo...

A twist that might be able to save Episode IX

Snoke really was Darth Plageius and he isn't dead because he knows how to cheat death. And he used the force to conceive Rey (influenced Midi-Chlorians) and gave her all kinds of unrealistic abilities because he wanted to turn her to the dark side. The irony of the situation would be that even though she was created with evil purposes she ends up being the one who destroys evil.

I might be able to get behind this.


Yeah that would be cool. But they would find a way to f*** that up, too.


That's exactly what they already did with Anakin/Darth Vader. I don't want them to even touch Plagueis in this new world. Leave the awesome in the old canon.


Yes but wouldn't that kyst drive Kylo nuts to discover that Rey was supposed to be the new Vader, not him? Its a good inversion.


And originally it was his plan to have Kylo kill Han Solo hoping that Rey would kill Kylo by unleashing her hate which would allow the dark side to consume her. Snoke turned Kylo to the dark side and used him to do his dirty work knowing that he would eventually use him to turn Rey to the dark side.


Indeed. There is a lot of potential for 9 to be amazing.


Another thing they need to address is why Luke was such a whiny little bitch. Maybe he was mind force tortured by Plageius or something and went insane???


He's mad because he wanted to live with his aunt and uncle in Bel Air, not Tattoine.


The Fresh Jedi of Bel Air


Yes, we got that reference, Rec.


That could work.


Kathleen Kennedy would only approve if they make Plageius a green haired transexual lady with a beard.


OK so roll with me on this. It was originally Plageius who created Anakin through the force and was planning on using him to take over the galaxy however that plan went south when Palpatine "killed" him in his sleep. Then after Palpatine was destroyed Plageius started over and created Rey however Rey doesn't fullfill her destiny and instead joins the light side instead of the dark side as she doesn't kill Kylo despite snoke wanting her to. Now Plageius/Snoke was able to come back because Palpatine "killed" him out of hate, then he is able to come back as well after TLJ because Kylo killed him out of hate, in episode IX Rey defeats him and has the chance to kill him but doesn't and instead sacrifices herself to save her friends and that is what ultimately defeats Plaegius, that way Rose's "you win the war by saving what you love" line doesn't end up being the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Also Snoke/Plageius had been mind controlling Luke (and Luke doesn't know this) and made him attempt to kill Kylo in his sleep (he intentionally did this as a parallel to what Palpatine did to him) and that is why Luke became the whiny little bitch that he was in TLJ.

I totally came up with this when I was in the shower so if you have any better ideas please share.


I like your idea. It's creative, part of the SW lore and fixes the mess that Johnson made. This story would actually save SW for most of us who hated Last Jedi.


Dear dear dear. Sad that some are still clinging to the idea of "maybe the next film will retroactively explain away this awfulness". Whatever helps you sleep I suppose but that's just not how things work. I mean when the final film is released and sucks as hard as the previous two, I suppose can we just keep hoping that novels, cartoons & yet more film spin offs will someway, somehow retroactively make the entire crapfest somehow "good" after the fact. If only MaRey is revealed to be a Jar Jar's lost hybrid reincarnation, that will fix everything.


I would like for Rey to turn to the dark side and kill everyone in the star wars universe to officially end this story. This will hopefully prevent any more damage to the SW franchise.


Episode 8 was just a nightmare force vision Ray was having on the way to find Luke. E9 shows us what is actually going to happen. That's what I would do If I were JJ just to shit on RJ after he tried to undo or trash the trilogy set up.


Or at the end of Episode IX, Luke wakes up at the Ewok camp and comes out of his acid trip.


Then, sensing the darkness within them, he slaughters all of the Ewoks while singing "Yub Nub".
