MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Will you watch Rians New Trilogy after T...

Will you watch Rians New Trilogy after TLJ?

I really cant see myself watching it other than on pirate, this maybe the first time I don't follow a star wars movie all the way from Production to the watching the actually movie.

You suck Rian


I was never that much of a Star Wars fan, but Star Trek has much more unlimited scope and is actually about US HUMANS than a bunch of aliens who died millennia ago in a different part of the universe. I mean, why should we care about aliens?


It will likely make its way onto my Netflix queue, but I am unlikely to check out the next couple of films in theater.


Pretty sure you'd have to get disneys streaming the time Rains shitfest is released the deal with Netflix will have expired.


I still use the DVD service, so I was thinking that list.


They still fucking do that??? Holy shit! Guess I shouldn't be can still send a telegram and dial up still exists...but god damn!!! Forgot all about the dvd cue...hilarious 😂


I had the DVD service first and never got rid of it. Its cheaper than buying the films or renting them digitally. And between DVD and streaming service I don't have many movies I cant get access too.


Hell yeah I will, I love the idea of an entire trilogy set in the Star Wars universe but completely removed from the main storyline.


I would to , but I cant stand Rian Johnson


Nope. He's made the list of directors that I will no longer support. I actually had two make my list this year:

Rian Johnson - Killed Star Wars
David Lynch - Ruined Twin Peaks


You crazy. Rian Johnson and David Lynch in the same bucket? Holy


If he gets help with the writing, then yes. The guy is half good and half bad at plot structure and the dynamics of his "hooks."

It's not surprising he is a big fan of Nolan, because the two share many of the same strengths and flaws. Nolan is far better at overall quality, though, although even that's been shaky after Inception.



Absolutely. Thats why thos last remainign gloryhunters which defend that movie audience insult arent Star Wars fans at all. they are just disappointed that they are jumping on a once famous bandwaggon when anyone else already left it :) .

And its amazing: Disney and KK sees its audience as a bunch of complete idiots. But they still think that we will give them our hard earned money. How stupid are thos folks?


I'll never watch anything by him again. He's in the same sin bin as Tarantino as far as I'm concerned.


What did Tarantino do?


I don't like his work. To me he's a hack. Pulp Fiction was incoherent, for example. It chopped and changed all over the place and was ultimately pointless. He also uses gratuitous, extreme violence to cover up the lack of a coherent story. Excessive violence throws me out of a movie (cf. Watchmen).


I wouldn't call him a hack. In the modern era that word is pretty much reserved for JJA.

But he does have an issue with story, yes. Writes great scenes but the stories are often spoiled by his over indulgences.


Django Unchained is one of my top movies of all time. So theres that.
Maybe not all his work is great, but calling Tarantino a hack is truly insulting, he is VERY gifted.


I doubt it'll get that far.

It will all come down to Solo and IX. The rumours around Solo are that it's a giant bomb and IX is fucked due to the awful story telling from the last two films.

If these two flop or even under-perform there's no way he's getting a trilogy.

KK will get the boot and they then might bring in somebody who understand's Star Wars to make the next set. Star Wars is currently in a similar position to where Marvel comics were a few years back - happily pissing off all their core fans to chase the smoke and mirrors of the trendy political position de jour and look how that turned out...
