MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > I realize the female lead is PC panderin...

I realize the female lead is PC pandering, but is it really so terrible?

Why are some of you guys so uncomfortable watching good-looking women kick ass for a couple of hours? Do you just not like women? ("Not that there's anything wrong with that...")


The movie as a whole isn't terrible, I know I sound like a kid with this word choice but Mark Hamill is so cool in it. He just lightens up the screen everytime he's on, I don't know why everyone is calling out this movie for making Luke seem weak and whatnot because that's not what I saw.

The PC stuff is there but it's still an entertaining movie. I'm not sure how they're going to sustain the audiences interest in episode IX, unless there's a shock twist and [spoiler]Luke is brought back to life.[/spoiler]


I swear, I'm beginning to think that posters like you are robots. "Der, are you just hateful of women? HUR HUR HUR!"

I have NO problem watching Leia, Mon Mothma, Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Max (Dark Angel), Samus (Metroid) on my TV screen ALL of those female characters have something in common that these new Disney Star Wars heroines lack. If you can't figure out what that is then that's just too bad for you.


Most people are 100% fine with kick ass women being the hero, which is at least partially why the Alien, Kill Bill, Resident Evil, Terminator, Wonder Woman, Star Trek, and similar franchises with female heroes remain very popular. Even in Star Wars, there are a number of popular female characters such as Leia, Padame, Mara Jade, Hera, Ashoka, etc.

A lot of people dislike poorly written characters, though.


Yup, no one likes a Mary Sue. Nothing will ever change either as long as that Super feminist Kathleen Kennedy is in charge.

Start speak with your wallets people. It's the only chance in hell anything will change in the SW universe for the foreseeable future



Hmmm, this did make me think of one thing... Would you agree that movies with exclusively male central characters are Patriarchy Pandering?


Can you find a movie that all female characters are portrayed in negative light, no exceptions?


PC Pandering is terrible, Third Wave Feminism is terrible and that’s what we’ve got with Disney.

No strong male leads, original trilogy heroes are rewritten as losers, a terrible Mary Sue, women in charge everywhere whilst the aliens are relegated to the background and just used as scenery.

What’s the point of calling it Star Wars when the makers are more concerned about their virtue signalling over telling a good old sci-fi yarn!
