What's the the best way to watch the Star Wars Saga?
Machete Order: [ANH ESB TPM AOTC ROTS ROTJ] Gives a more mysterious and satisfying feeling as we start off with Luke's Story and the prequels are a flash black answering the questions posed by Empire concerning Vader/Anakin. Jedi comes after the calamity in Sith bringing closure.
Chronological Order: [1, 2, 3, Rogue One, 4, 5, 6] If you're going to do it this way watch Rogue One, because the there is a huge drop off in the pacing and special effects between Sith and Hope, so the Rogue One can better ease you in to the transition. Also the importance of the Death Star is greatly magnified this way.
Release Order: [OT, PT, ST] This way you get to see how disjointed it was for the fans starting in the middle.
Fucking Loser Order: [Hope, Empire, Jedi, Awakens, (Last) Jedi, Ep 9] If you're a loser like Confused Matthew and you hate Lucas and the prequels but love the Disney sequels, now you can rejoice as you watch the original trilogy and then watch Po, Fin, and Rey basically redo everything in the sequel trilogy.