MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The only star wars film im not fussed ab...

The only star wars film im not fussed about watching again

for the first time ever, not the biggest fan of the prequels but still needed to watch them again soon after the first time, TLJ really is one of the worse star wars films made


i actually went to the theather for the second time and got out in the middle. and it was on 4d IMAX with moving seats.


Are those the D Box seats? Is it worth it?


No i dident liked it actually


It was better on a second viewing.


Yep, cause Star Wars always was that complicated so that you needed to understand all thos dozens of story layers ;) . Nice try, marketing puppy.


Yep, cause Star Wars always was that complicated so that you needed to understand all thos dozens of story layers ;) .
Who said that?! That's pretty funny!


Why then watch something so terrible again? Perhaps watching Superman v Batman a few dozen times will kill enough brain cells so that this movie appears to be good sometime :) .


Superman v Batman
I don't think that's a real movie.


As unreal as Batman V Superman.


Totally fake.


Is that the sequel to the shit fest batman v superman?


I rarely rewatch films nowadays, too many things to see and not enough time. SO the effect on me after seeing this is I will be waiting on the blu ray for the next couple of SW films.


I think for many Star Wars fans, they get swept up in the visuals, action, music and cinematography to not think about the bad storytelling. I saw TLJ twice, then saw all those YouTube videos criticising the awful plotholes and bad storyline, and I hated the movie. Then I figured I'd see it once to see if those complaints held up, and, guess what? I found myself liking the movie again. It's weird, it's like people are attracted to the spectacle but not so much the content, these days.


I somewhat agree. Watching it a second time didn't make the problems go away. But I did enjoy it more anyway....


Both of you have done your lobotomy succesful?




Quint, might want to work on your sentence structuring skills...


I saw each of the prequel movies 3 times in the theater, Force Awakens I saw once, this one I saw once. That kinda tells you something, or maybe I just don't like the *cough cough cough* and loud kids at the movie theater.

We're in the age of 4K Blu-Ray Ultra HD, why are we still going to antiquated movie theaters?


I could take or leave everything except the original trilogy. Once this new trilogy works through all of those classic older characters I see this whole series taking a nose dive.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-
