MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Luke throwing lightsaber over shoulder w...

Luke throwing lightsaber over shoulder was...

funny, stupid, amazing?

Who knew JJ set up the last shot for a literal throwaway joke


Made one of the most poetic and powerful scenes in movie history a complete joke.


That's a little too generous. It was a mediocre cliffhanger and little else. They might as well have turned the whole thing into a joke.


Haha, I'm sorry...I don't mean to laugh at you. But "in movie history"? Come to your senses, man.


Seriously? The end of the TFA was so cheesy and stupid. It was one of the worst parts of the movie. Go back and look at the rediculous posturing from luke as he turns and pulls back his hood. Or Rey just standing there for several minutes holding the lightsaber towards him without saying anything. How about her knowing he was standing there, somehow,but he had no idea they were there. It's a small island and the damn MF just came down from the could you miss that if you're standing outside?! I liked TFA,but the ending isn't good.


To everyone who replied, fair enough. I personally enjoyed that ending and I thought the music was incredible (I’m a big movie soundtrack person). And sorry, I meant Star Wars movie history but it’s still not for everyone. :)


lol it was terrible, even more so because of rey being there in the first place.

feminism pc joke.


I liked it enough. However, it was a little rude, and a weird way to break the mood.


it was too comedic, could have done a funny moment, but that was too much


An amazing cliff hanger turned into a throw away joke.... pis poor writing IMO. If I were Kennedy I would have fired Rian the moment I read that line on the script.

It's like a quick cheap laugh followed by a puzzling angry emotion of... really did I just see that in a non parody star wars film.


It wasn't a "throwaway" joke (meta). It was actually important character moment. I can see someone not enjoying the humor, but it certainly had meaning.


Yeah, there were definite SNL parody type moments in this movie. Oh well. 😕


"Amazing cliff hanger"


You didn't think it was a beautiful, thought provoking shot placed with the intent to keep our minds wondering and pumping our anticipation for the next installment?


No sir!


So what did you think of it?


I thought the look on his face was goofy. Looked like Hodor to me.


I hated it. It showed disrespect to Rey. Someone hands you an object that you recognise but haven’t seen for many years and probably thought was lost, and you don’t ask who the person is, how they came by it, or what they want? If you’re a rude asshole maybe. Luke might be a lot of things, but he wouldn’t just dismiss someone out of hand like that.


He was a broken and defeated man.


well.. that was the point... he was dismissive to Rey... it was intentional, he basically told her to get off his lawn...


It made sense for where he was emotionally and spiritually. Going by his expression at the end of TFA and the fact that he has been in exile, I think it's obvious he wasn't going to want to train Rey at first. I expected him walk away or something. This was unexpected but I didn't mind too much.


Luke throwing lightsaber over shoulder was.... Disney's declaration of intent on how they are handling these films moving forward. They just wanted the brand name. Not the story.


Absolutely correct.


I was fine with it. I thought it conveyed exactly how Luke felt about the whole affair.






Exactly. That was the whole point of the scene.


It's more involved than being a joke, which is quite interesting. After Rey presents Luke with his lightsaber and steps back to wait on his response, Luke spends a good ten seconds looking at it and then her, and only then does he nonchalantly throw it over his shoulder and walk away to his hut leaving Rey in awkward silence. It reflects his distain for the Jedi and probably for her at that moment. The move was unexpected and seemingly satirical when we were expecting a kind of serious emotional scene.


...and it was a powerful provocation of the audience. Some people just can't handle having their assumptions challenged especially little boys who like playing with their phallic substitute light sabers. At least if Rey had castrated Luke, she could be blamed. But it was Luke himself casting aside his "manhood". A "manhood" fought for over three movies and cherished by his fans for decades. What blasphemy! How glorious!
