MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Remember when Force Awakens first came o...

Remember when Force Awakens first came out...

And we were just supposed to accept Rey's Mary Sue powers because "it would be explained in the next one"

Well what's the excuse now?


Yet you'll always be fine with Like having a miraculous ascent with next to zero training, and defeating a powerful Sith despite never being taught how to fight with a saber, even though said Sith had been using a saber longer than Luke had been alive.

Many accept that Luke is a Gary Stu, and have no problem with that or Rey.

Other people like you take fantasy way too seriously and think that aggression makes you look confident.

It doesn't. It just makes you obnoxious and bereft of any real thought.


Ha, nice try but Luke trained with Obi-Wan and trained with Yoda for who knows how long and it was established that his force abilities were passed down from his father. Plus Luke had to put in some goddamn effort and he did not succeed all the time, in fact he needed lots of help, he never would have blown up the death star if it weren't for Wedge, Biggs, Red Leader and Han. He would have died on Bespin if it weren't for Leia, Lando and Chewie and he would have been fed to the Sarlaac if it weren't for R2.

I've heard this pathetic argument before and it falls flat on its stupid face. It is also really sad that you have to attack another movie instead of defending the movie that is the subject of the debate.

Stupid fanboys.


Luke trained with Obi Wan for about 10 minutes on the Millennium Falcon. If you recall, in Star Wars Luke meets Obi Wan, and they spend a few minutes talking before he's given a light saber, at which point the immediately go to the Cantina, meet Han Solo, and end up on the Death Star where they part ways. That time represents probably an hour in Luke's life, yet he masters the force to the point where he can make the one in a zillion shot to blow up the Death Star.

He then spends a few days with Yoda, basically being the butt of Yoda's jokes, at which point he is master enough to defeat Darth Vader and save the universe.

Face it-- that's the way it has always worked. If the force is strong with you, it doesn't take much to be a bad ass, and the force is clearly stronger with Rey than with anyone we've known since Yoda. And who's to say that little muppet trained at all? He probably came out the womb (hatched from an egg?) in full Jedi mode.


Hahahahahaha you don't even get understand TESB. What happened when he went to Bespin, he got his ass handed to him. I don't know what movie you were watching but Luke did not win that fight.

He didn't become a badass until the 3rd movie which took place YEARS after he discovered the force. Rey was a perfect Jedi master 30 minutes after she discovered the force.

Epic fail bitch.


You've made up your mind, and you'll be rude and insult anyone who holds a different opinion, but there is no evidence in the films for anything you're opining.

From the moment he learned of the force, Luke was doing amazing things. Obi Wan didn't train him at all beyond a quick "follow the ball" exercise, and Yoda barely trained him either. After Yoda's death Luke may have had a few years on his own doing who knows what, but as all the Jedi were dead, no one was training him.

Both Rey and Luke display an immediate affinity with the force, and both do remarkable things from the get-go. Rey is more impressive, but the evidence given in the films suggests that is to be expected of someone powerful with the force. It fits perfectly within the mythology to assume that she's someone more naturally attuned to it than even Luke.

Also note that Luke was a somewhat whiny, impulsive, and insecure character. He often disbelieved in his own abilities. Rey is shown to be a more forceful and assertive person even before she discovers the force. She's also been living on her own in a hostile environment, and clearly mastered the art of fighting with her quarterstaff, which would prepare her for using a light saber.


Rey became a more powerful Jedi than the former apprentice of Luke Skywalker the same day that she found out she had the force. You are utterly pathetic if you don't recognize her as a very weak and poorly written character.


Why is it that disney fanboys always jump on Luke? Luke was Anakin's son, we can talk about genetic heritage! Instead of automatically attacking OT, why don't you explain why Rey is a fucking force prodigy, knows how to fence, and is loved by everyone out of a sudden. And Luke was quite naive in ANH, but it had already been established, that he was in fact a good pilot before joining the the rebel alliance.


Why is it that the luke fanboys cant accept that hes not the centre piece of this new trilogy? It was said in the movie that rey is the ying to kylos yang. Rey is the force balancing itself against the power of kylo. Its all pretty straight froward. I dont see why its such a problem. The force awakened in rey, in the same way that it fathered anakin. The force isnt what you think it is, another theme of the film. This isnt going to go the way you think, another theme of the film. And that been the problem with 7 and 8, they arent the films you wanted. that doesnt make them bad, it just means they arent for you.


They are terrible movies. I think I already explained you that. Terrible story, poorly written characters and so much more.


In your opinion perhaps.


And Snoke would complete Kylo’s training. Whatever that meant. What happened there?

And we were also promised to learn about Snoke.

Finn got seriously injured on a cliff hanger... he just woke up, and then tried to split (yep, that is where this character had become).

And dangit, our wonderful Luke... he never left his island, and then he died. I have waited 35 years for his return... thank you Disney.


Luke died like a little bitch and what gets me is that he is now no better than Darth Sideous. Darth Sideous killed his master in his sleep, well Luke attempted to kill his apprentice in his sleep.

I have never seen a bigger f-ck you to a character.

Disney needs to get Nolan in there to save this franchise.


It is absurd. The only actor of the trio who would and could have performed any challenge we could think off. Is kept doing housekeeping until he dies ... and the one actor of the trio that is dead, literally dead. They keep alive... I am sadly sure her end will be just as disappointing. This movie is a fucx you to Lucas and the fans.

For fucxsake, the movie is about waiting for the rebels to run out of gaz... that is the story. Wonder if it has some poetic meaning?? ;)


Thats not the story. The story is about heroes failing.


What really pisses me off is Disney keeps saying that they are going to erase the damage the prequels did and return to the spirit of the originals when all they are doing is taking a huge stinking sh!t on the original trilogy. Yes I am going to come right out and say it: I would watch the prequels any day over anything Disney has put out.




Say what you will about the prequels, but they at least were original and brought purpose to the saga... Lucas had a plan. A plan he worked on for 40 or more years.Disney and this director seem to shoot in the blind.

Yes, I hate Jaja Binks. But I love hating him. And now if hate TLJ, and I hate hating it... that is the difference.


Yes the prequels told a coherent story from beginning to end and was the product of Lucas's true vision. The prequels felt like Star Wars, the Disney films are a huge, incoherent mess.


Prequels introduced much to the lore. I don't see the problem in prequels. They literally gave us Dark Times, Republic and other comic books, lore introduced in PT is what allowed KotOR to be such a great story.


You are dimmer than a fucked lightbulb. Luke didnt die like a "little bitch", he died being the legend everyone thought of him as. he gave his life to give new hope to galaxy. I mean do you even know how to watch a movie? First you think characters should know what other characters are doing in the movie because we the viewer know it, and now you dont get ANY of the fucking dialogue that was spoon fed to you through the whole movie. Be honest, youre "using the force" to watch movies arent you?


I agree with you except for Nolan who is overrated.


Nolan is my all time favorite director however I will concede that his latest effort Dunkirk left much to be desired.


He's going to be back and he's going to kick ass


They seemed to realize their mistake as Rey is less invincible and perfect in this one. Here, she has an actual character arc, makes mistakes, and struggles in battle,


Yeah, it was a major source of disappointment for me.
