MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Meryl Streep replacing Carrie Fisher to ...

Meryl Streep replacing Carrie Fisher to complete the story.

They will not use CG to replace Carrie Fisher. They will either tweak the end of Episode VIII so that Leia dies, write her out at the start of Episode IX, or recast her to complete the story.

Meryl Streep.

She was a decades-long friend of Carrie Fisher. She pretty much played her already in Postcards From The Edge, based on Fisher's book and screenplay. She's also a phenomenally good actress and within the right apparent age range to play Leia. And when I say Streep and Fisher were good friends, I mean they were soul mates, and I don't doubt, to honour the character and her friend, and bring closure to the story, that Meryl Streep would do it.

How would you feel about this. And if not Meryl Streep, who would you be happy with completing the role?

"Never underestimate the power of denial."
American Beauty




I think Leia won't appear in Episode 9. Honestly, replacing Carrie Fisher as Leia is kind of surreal since they didn't recast Indiana Jones.

Angus Young is a Brony


Meryl Streep, eh? I would actually love the idea, but it wont happen.

My guess is that they'll just have the character die off-screen between ep 8 and ep 9.

I'm not so precious about who plays a character, just that they get it right.


I don't mind recasting, but I just can't see Streep in the role.

| The Five-Star Man || The Golden God |


There will not be another actress playing Leia. They will not recast the role.


No No No No a thousand times no!. They need to manipulate the end of VIII or allow her to character to die off screen before replacing her with another actress. Absolutely one of the worst ideas possible. I would rather they CGI her in the roll before trying to pretend anyone else could possibly ever be Leia.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


Interesting. I'd rather they recast than do more CGI face, especially if they could get an actor of the caliber of Meryl Streep.

I didn't mind the CGI face in R1 because I saw it as something they did for fun as a one off. But I wouldn't want it to be the norm.

But I agree that the best solution would be for them to tweak the end of Ep 8 to have Leia die off screen, like maybe she's on a planet that gets blown up or something. Or at least die between Ep 8 and Ep 9.


I'm definitely a fan of recasting as I believe Leia's storyline will build and become of utmost importance. Here are my choices:

Hilary Clinton (seriously)

Meryl Streep

Debbie Harry


Well I'm glad you have nothing to do with production, because recasting Leia, is wrong. Her death is one of the most tragic things to happen to this series, but to recast Leia, would ruin the continuity worse than Hayden Christensen's performance of Anakin did.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."


and the Oscar goes to...


Her or Carrie Fisher's sister Joely. Either one would work for me.
