MovieChat Forums > Les revenants (2013) Discussion > Something about Camille and Lena that bo...

Something about Camille and Lena that bothers me

I hate being so nitpicky, because the Camille/Lena premises is so clever, but in the first episode, I thought Camille was supposed to be much younger—maybe 12. Then we find out she’s 15. At 15, Camille would have already gone through puberty and she wouldn’t look so vastly different from how she would look at 19. Her face might change a little, but she certainly won’t grow several inches. There are variations and exceptions, but for the most part, at 15, girls will be about as tall and developed as they’re ever going to be. That’s been bugging me ever since I realized it because the Camille and Lena storyline is so prominent and was so promising. They could have gotten this right if they had just played with the timing a little—Camille 12 or 13, accident 5 or 6 years ago, Lena around 18. 13 and 18 year-old identical twins might look very different from one another. 15 and 19 year-old identical twins, probably not so much.


The producers/writers made a choice to cast the two actresses and have the age range be 15 for Camille and 19 for Lena. Both of the actresses are very good, perhaps there is a little tradeoff in the physical differences between the two girls, but at the end of the day the producers have to cast the best actors for the roles.


I agree, the actresses are very good and you can see one being a younger version of the other, but not at the ages 15 and 19. Kind of messes with a cool idea.


All this blah blah doesn't add to nor contradict what the op said. Both girls can be excellent actresses, but it doesn't change the fact that the physical difference is outstanding given that they are so close in age. The writers had only to think about it and say: Ok, she died at 12 and has been dead for seven years,give or take, hence the absolute no resemblance. Sometimes the script must be adated to the actors, if those cannot adapt to the storyline.


I was confused by this as well. In the first scene I thought Camille was 10-12 and that Lena was in her early 20's. They do start to age her (rather she ages herself to catch up with Lena) but I still don't buy that in 4 years she's going to look like Lena (assuming she keeps aging).


Well technically, yes, but I think you have to suspend disbelief some in order to get the message, visually, that Camille is "stuck", while Lena was left to grow and move on. You might not feel that as much if they looked closer in age.


This bugged me for the longest time as well! I'm wondering if perhaps a man may have been put in charge of casting, in particular one who hadn't realised that whilst boys go through drastic changes throughout their teen years, most girls are full-sized by the age of 14-15...and honestly I don't even think our faces tend to change all that much between the ages of 12 and 21 anyways (I know mine hasn't). I could have suspended belief had Camille been 12 but her being 15 just made no sense at all.


Yara Pilartz, who plays Camille, was actually 16-17 years old when the show was filmed, so my theory is that the producures choose a girl of the same age then the character.


I think the director deliberately went for something that stretched belief a little but was more visually shocking, and, as another poster mentioned, acted as a constant reminder of Camille's undead state. The timing was kept probably quite tight so they could have the 'Lena sleeps with the boy Camille's in love with' element and yet still have Lena hanging around her hometown.


I changed A LOT between 15 and 19 years old. At 15, I looked exactly like at 13 except a little taller and with bigger boobs. At 17, I was a lot taller than at 15.
That said, I also thought Camille was younger in the first episode and I was surprised by the sex scene with Frederic. And returned Camille dressed like an older girl than live Camille, IMHO.


You have no way of knowing how much someone would grow between the ages of 15 and 19. I know people who grew 6 inches over just a few months in their late teens.

So, basically, your argument is non-existent.


Sure, boys do, girls typically do not.


Incorrect, omniscient one.


I looked "vastly different" from when I was a 15 yo girl to when I was 19 and grew significantly in height as well. Hate to burst your bubble, but people are different and while some people stop growing at 12, some keep on growing in their 20's.

"It's so simple a six year old could figure it out."
"Quick! Someone get a six year old!"


Are you male by any chance? :)

Most girls don't grow significantly up to when they're 19. Very unusual. I mean, yes, boys grow even in their 20's, but not girls. Not to be mean, but maybe you had a hormone problem.


Nope... all woman. And no I didn't and don't have a hormone problem. People are different and grow differently, it's not a very hard concept o.O

It's so simple a six year old could figure it out.
Quick! Someone get a six year old!



LOL, you sound like my mother who proudly informed me that I'd stop growing once I get my period. Much to her chagrin, I was still growing 7 years after I got it 😛. I still added on 1/2 a cm when I was 21.

You need to do some research into current teen development, mate, because your information seems quite dated. These days, it's actually typical for tall women to get their biggest growth spurt in mid to late teens. And considering how much women have grown on average over the past couple of generations, it's becoming more and more normal.
