Something about Camille and Lena that bothers me
I hate being so nitpicky, because the Camille/Lena premises is so clever, but in the first episode, I thought Camille was supposed to be much younger—maybe 12. Then we find out she’s 15. At 15, Camille would have already gone through puberty and she wouldn’t look so vastly different from how she would look at 19. Her face might change a little, but she certainly won’t grow several inches. There are variations and exceptions, but for the most part, at 15, girls will be about as tall and developed as they’re ever going to be. That’s been bugging me ever since I realized it because the Camille and Lena storyline is so prominent and was so promising. They could have gotten this right if they had just played with the timing a little—Camille 12 or 13, accident 5 or 6 years ago, Lena around 18. 13 and 18 year-old identical twins might look very different from one another. 15 and 19 year-old identical twins, probably not so much.