Newest episode came out and it had a medium, what did you think about it? Thought it was complete BS? Thought it was real? Did it challenge your beliefs? Did it change your beliefs? Do you think MTV just made stuff up for viewership because the ratings on this show is falling? And at the bottom line, did you like the episode? Whether you believed it or not, was it entertaining and did you enjoy watching?
I see what you mean. There were some articles in the Louisville Courier-Journal also, but they're archived. You have to subscribe or sign up for a free trial to read them.
Well, I wasn't sure I wanted to post the guy's full name, but somebody else did in another thread.
If you go to there's an archive button at the top of the page. Put Frank Harbin Jr. in the archive search and there are articles from 7 different dates listed. You have to subscribe to read the articles, or click the free trial button from on the right side.
I don't know what to think. I didn't trust Courtney the 'medium' at all. Nothing about her demeanor seemed genuine to me. She seemed kind of patronizing even when she first met Kayla. I was disappointed that Max was all "I believe her!" of course I thought, for some reason the show must have told him to believe/say that. Why, I don't know. Was the whole thing totally fake? I don't know. Or maybe they were afraid of how fragile Kayla actually was and didn't want to meddle too much by proving Courtney was a con artist...
I have to think someone is in on it. The aunt maybe? In cahoots with Courtney? It seemed coincidental that she all pulled Nev aside saying she didn't want things to "come out" and then of course the stripper thing comes out. Maybe she did hate Frankie and this was some weird kind of...revenge? no idea. Or she thought Kalya needed it? Or just wanted to be on TV?
And then the weirdness with the foster mom. Okay so that was the big "reveal" that seemed to prove Courtney knew secrets. But...then we find, the foster mom herself had messaged Kayla years ago saying Frankie was haunting her? Come on what are the chances of THAT?! Two different people having Frankie "haunt" them? I wondered if the rapist foster mom (maybe not rapist, I guess we don't know what age Frankie was when she "slept" with him)... was behind it. Maybe she's still trying to be connected in some way, cash in on it...and was paying Courtney to pretend to be a psychic. I mean...the foster parent would know thing about ketchup and pickles and all that crap. It just seemed like a big red flag to me that, coincidentally, the foster mom had also messaged Kayla years before saying Frankie was haunting her. And now this stranger in Florida messages her, saying he is haunting her. Not buying it. I think maybe the foster parent is behind it. Still trying to meddle and be involved.
So I concluded the foster mom who slept with Frankie is behind this in some way. Has to be...
The Eric/Erica neighbor thing seemed weird too. Riight, like a neighbor is really going to go along with this BS. Either that was Courtney on the phone too, or maybe the foster mom lol...
Weirdness. Kayla's torment seemed genuine. I guess I sort of...I mean...I'd hope she was in on it for the sake of her not being abused/manipulated in this way. Or that Courtney really is just "nice"...because I feel bad for her. Ugh
I don't know. I've watched it twice and still don't know. As someone who has lost their father, I hope that it's real and true. It would be wonderful to hear from him just one more time. I'm going to say I hope it's real.
Sorry you lost your dad. I haven't lost anyone really close to me yet but I like to believe stuff like this could be true. I mean I even watch Long Island Medium lol and like that show. It's one of those things where deep down I don't believe it, but I want to... However I do think things like signs and messages from loved ones (passed away) can be real. :) (for real!)
But this just seemed so weirdly specific and bizarre. It left me with a cold, uneasy feeling. Like, dirty or bad. I don't know. I didn't like it.
I thought it was entertaining. However, I think there are a lot of fishy things. Didn't Kayla say at one point that she has a sister? Why did Courtney message her and not her sister? How old would Courtney have been when the ex foster mom messaged her? That seems inappropriate, but then again she did sleep with the dad. I think something seemed wrong, I just couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't stop watching it, though. Why didn,t Frankie just give Courtney Kayla ' s contact info? Why did she need Facebook?
I love this show, Artis & Jess (the infamous slow clap episode) is one of my favorite reality TV moments ever, but this episode with the medium was just not believable. I don't know what about it was real or fake or staged, but something about this episode just wasn't right. I was kind of hoping that the twist would've been more interesting, like the medium being the foster mom or something. Otherwise the episode was just fake and boring.
And I feel like that is so harsh to say considering the specific subject matter of the episode, but it really didn't do anything good for the show itself. It just made the show look more fake/staged. I like the idea of doing these different kinds of Catfish situations other than romantic online relationships, but getting a medium involved is just too much. I hope they don't explore any more "supernatural" things, it's just too fake.
If it was "fake," wouldn't it have been less boring??? Wouldn't they have faked it in order for it to be exciting? Isn't that the point of faking something???
I think it was very real, and that's the reason it was boring and lacked a crazy plot-twist. It's real life...which is generally quite boring.
I didn't find it boring personally, I don't need fake plot twists to keep me entertained, and like Nev & Max, I got a strong feeling that Courtney is sincere.
Maybe I worded it wrong. I can believe that Kayla's story is real, and Courtney has managed to perhaps help Kayla and her family with good intentions. But it's not because she has any sort of power. Maybe the power of private investigation.
The show just somehow managed to make itself look more staged than usual, and it's entirely because it has to do with supernatural elements. That's why I'm disappointed. They advertised this episode as "the craziest ever" but they managed to both make their show look fake, as well as doing it in the most boring way possible.
Sorry, I just cannot accept that anyone has any sort of link like that to the dead. *shrug*
It could have been a complete put-on by the people involved. It could have been. That said...
Most so-called psychics are fakes. I know this, because I was trained in "mind reading" and psychic magic when I was a teenager and I learned the art of cold reading.
This woman is acting as a "medium" and not actually a "psychic". In addition to being a classically-trained magician, I am a devout Christian. I would like to point out that the Holy Scripture speaks on the subject of mediums:
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God."
"'I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.
The "spirit" the woman Courtney is "speaking to" (if she is actually speaking to a spirit) is most certainly not the spirit of her dead father. Rather, it is something evil that is using Courtney to lure members of Kayla's family away from their beliefs. Even the aunt Shannon said that she is now questioning her religious beliefs... which is exactly what this evil entity wants. It sounds to me as though evil has dwelt in that family for several generations and it seems as though it wants to regain its grip on these people.
Unfortunately, I have some experience with this directly, as one of my relatives through marriage has "come out" as a "medium". She's truly convinced that she can communicate with the dead. I've done my best to advise her to be wary of this so-called ability, but so far it has fallen on deaf ears.
I believe in neither mediums or christ so the argument above doesn't sway me ether way. It's all just BS. I hope the young girl isn't being set up for anything but at least the "medium" didn't try to hurt her physically. It's a pretty silly episode. Jumping the shark indeed
Don't assume ghosts are actually spirits or souls. The human consciousness has been scientifically provern to alter our physical world. God, satan, good, evil, etc has nothing to do with what's potentially going on in that situation.
I must admit- I quite liked this episode. I'm tired of seeing the same 'ol dummies (who are obviously familiar with the show, since they are contacting MTV) and haven't even bothered to TRY & investigate their 'catfish' themselves (ie google image search, phone lookup, reading college branded shirts correctly..) However...the 'medium' did seem a bit disingenuous. WHY did no one ask if she could see other dead people!!! Why didn't they take the aunt first to meet 'the medium', if they were so concerned for the girl? Where was the girl's sister? That is who I had pegged for this ;) (maybe trying to comfort/give closure to lil sis)
If this lady can only 'see' this ONE one guy....she's ruined her life with non stop inquries from other people searching for something. Perhaps...great business plan, great exposure??
This episode managed to make me a little angry. MTV exploited this girl's incredibly tragic past for the reeling in more viewers. I do believe that certain people have gifts. However, I don't believe that this is a real case. The whole thing felt fabricated.