Really? A psychic?
shareWell, she was acting as a medium, not a psychic, and yes some people do truly have the ability.
Spirits can see via someone's aura who has the right state of consciousness to be able to receive clear communication from them. Very few people are natural mediums (like Courtney), however everyone has the ability to do it with training and a lot of meditation. Just like everyone can learn to play the piano, but few people could be Mozart or Beethoven.
No, they don't. This woman could have looked up half of what she knew. It seems more likely that she either knew one of the parents or both, or really looked into social media postings.
i wondered why they didn't look into whether she was a prison pen pal. there are prisoners who reveal a lot to those who write to them. my first instinct was that she could have been in touch with the dad that way. maybe not, but i was surprised they didn't look into it at all.
shareInterestingly enough, that was my first thought too. I know many think that her being a medium is a possibility; I find that to be 1,000% impossible. I too was shocked that there wasn't more interrogation done, and I almost wonder if Nev and Max didn't have the heart to really dig and reveal on this once given the fragile nature of the content (that last part I'm obviously speculating on, but given the sheer absurdity of this episode, it's the only thing I can come up with!). PEOPLE DO NOT TALK TO THE DEAD!!
The vitality of a cat.
Most ppl dont want to believe that mediums exist. They Refuse to believe in things like that. Or there scared.
shareNo, it's simply that if anyone bothers to do a minimum of research, they've all been revealed to be fakes.
It's just another subset of people who take advantage of understandably human tendencies, including the incredible powerful effect of wanting to believe what you want to believe.
Also do not dismiss the power of people who really believe what they say, even though it never happened. The "medium" in this catfish episode might be a perfect example. If she isn't flatly lying through her teeth, then she may actually believe what she speaks is the truth, in the same way that Nixon lied so often and for so long, he came to believe he was speaking the truth.
Science in recent years has made abundantly clear how malleable the human brain is. By definition, this includes the perception of reality, which can be "bent" relatively easily.
California Über Alles
Nev and Max were like...........ok
shareI came here to see if anyone else felt the same way. I call complete bs on this entire episode. Either the show was playing us, the viewers, or the show got played by this family and this "medium" woman. There was something about her that seemed fake. Her body language and her expressions, it seemed like she was acting. Seemed a little too over the top.
I missed the beginning of the ep- am I correct in that they said the father murdered the mother? Why would the daughter want to "talk" to him?
I do believe in an afterlife but I don't think we have the choice after we die of just hanging around and bugging people. If dead people have the choice of contacting us (even if via a medium) why haven't I heard from my beloved grandmother or my father... why don't you hear of this type of thing more often?
Such a strange episode...
Another thing that bothered me is that Nev and Max didn't really do much checking into this Courtney lady at all. They called one friend- Eric/Erica- and took her word for it about Courtney. The fact that the FB profile was "Eric" and the person they spoke to was an "Erica" and they were supposedly married and sharing a FB profile was a huge red flag to me. The only married couples I see sharing FB profiles are older couples and they always use both names, not just one.
shareI see couples that share a fbook account (which, I'll never understand)...but, if I got any message from Nev about(or directed to) my significant other...I'd be on TOP of that...asap!!!!
But- most of the people that share accounts make it obvious in the name. that name just said "eric --" It was weird. Why didn't they confirm the state if they were neighbors. Did they and I missed it?
I do know people that share fb accounts, and yea they usually put both names on but I guess they don't have to. I'm assuming Erica was the one commenting on Courtney's pictures so that's probably why she returned Nev's message.
sharePsychics and mediums are not real. It's all fun games and entertainment. I feel bad for people who truly believe in them as they are gullible, weak minded, or have a mental disability. It's not worth debating though because people are going to believe no matter what.
shareWhy are people so close-minded about this subject? Is everyone that arrogant and cynical that they have to assume that because they don't have the ability to see something it simply doesn't exist?? How lame.
shareMost so-called psychics are fakes. I know this, because I was trained in "mind reading" and psychic magic when I was a teenager and I learned the art of cold reading.
This woman is acting as a "medium" and not actually a "psychic". In addition to being a classically-trained magician, I am a devout Christian. I would like to point out that the Holy Scripture speaks on the subject of mediums:
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God."
"'I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.
The "spirit" the woman Courtney is "speaking to" (if she is actually speaking to a spirit) is most certainly not the spirit of her dead father. Rather, it is something evil that is using Courtney to lure members of Kayla's family away from their beliefs. Even the aunt Shannon said that she is now questioning her religious beliefs... which is exactly what this evil entity wants. It sounds to me as though evil has dwelt in that family for several generations and it seems as though it wants to regain its grip on these people.
I'm curious to know where you being a classically trained magician fits inot this. Does it have something to do with your "mind reading" and the art of cold reading trained?
I never finish anyth
Yes, I was thoroughly trained in cold reading. I can spot cold reading techniques very easily. Heavily edited shows tend to edit out the misses and leave in the hits. For instance, take a look at "The Long Island Medium" show... IMO, she's a total phony, nothing more than a cold reader and not a particularly good one, either.
So I tend to take these things with a HUGE grain of salt because I don't think the abilities that these people claim to have really exist. Now being a devout Christian, I do KNOW for a fact that evil does exist, and evil uses what it knows to prey on the gullible. Therefore, from my POV, the whole Courtney/Kayla/Shannon thing is either Courtney pulling the wool over Kayla's eyes, a hoax played against the show by a combined effort of all of them, a phony story made for TV with some members of the show's staff involved, OR it is something evil that is using Courtney to tighten its grip on this family which has -- apparently -- been touched by evil for several generations.
That's how I balance my logical/magician's mentality with my real Christian/Scriptural beliefs.
My latest film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/
How do you know "exactly where he is" and assume that its "hell"? The man was mentally ill and obviously had a lot of issues. That, in no way, made him evil or bad in any sense of the word.
I'm going to wish you well and be on my way, because we are obviously of two very different views concerning this matter and I don't see anything positive coming from this discussion.
shareLmao. You don't believe in psychics but you believe in that god fairytale which literally has the same amount of credibility as a psychic- aka none. Then you go on to say a mentally ill person who had schizophrenia would be burning in this imaginary hell. Because..you know..during a psychotic break a schizophrenic person would really have a clue as to what they're doing..and on top of that this imaginary guy in the sky you love so much would be that much of an as*hole to make him schizo then send him to hell for having a psychotic break.
There is a special kind of hate filled, bat-sht crazy with you religious zealots.
I hate to be the one to tell you this.......but millions of people in your country, and around the world, DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD, JESUS CHRIST, HEAVEN, HELL, THE BIBLE AND ANY AND ALL ASSOCIATED "BELIEFS". Sorry for bursting your self-righteous, holier than thou fantasy outlook on life, and the afterlife. As someone else here said, just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it isn't real/doesn't exist. I respectfully suggest you open your mind......you just might learn something!
Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and remove all doubt!
The whole father from beyond the grave was good. Better than the same thing over and over. I wonder why they didn't have a follow up at the end?