
I havent teared up from a tv show in a long time. It was so sweet. I have the same sort of relationship with my husband. I can't talk to him. I actually wish he'd pull a stunt like that. :)


Perhaps you should catfish your husband, or maybe just work it out in a non-catfishy way.


I actually thought the whole thing was creepy. Candic can say she wasn't cheating, but she definitely was. Allowing another man to call her "beautiful" and flirting....that's emotional cheating. If I was her husband I would be pissed. I'm sorry she was depressed about her mom's death, but having an emotional affair with someone she thought was another man is not the answer.


Totally agree. That was definitely an emotional affair and those things are DANGEROUS! I think they were both sooo wrong on this episode!!!


I so agree. I found this episode a bit off kilter. Candic is pronounced Can-dic not Candice. Not sure why the spelling was changed or idle that how she spells it without the e at the end. Who knows; both of them were very weird. Imagine that kid growing up in that house???


My wife knew it was her husband from jump. And yeah, my wife also agrees she was definitely cheating. If you need to talk to someone other than your husband, go see a therapist or counselor.


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


i never predict anything correctly EVER and i totally nailed this one. if i figured it out from the beginning, it was way too obvious lol.


I HATED this episode.

This woman emotionally cheated on her husband. And she was developing feelings and curiosities for this Titus fellow. I almost guarantee that if he was real then there would be a question. She even said... "the grass is greener on the other side."

I think she was entertaining the idea of straying and got caught and had to clean it up.

I would have filed for separation.

Jamie.... learn how to communicate with your wife because this will happen again if you don't get a handle on things.


If Titus was real she would have totally banged him. No doubt.


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


Exactly... she got caught by her husband and tried to clean it up. Not very romantic and sweet.


This episode made me tear up.


This episode was frustrating because the husband basically lured the wife to emotionally cheat, but couldn't just open up to her in person once he started figuring out what her issues were. And people want to blame her and not him. All she wanted the whole time was for him to talk to her.


Exactly. Saying someone is cute is not emotional cheating. All the people saying "she's an emotional cheater" probably have no idea what their own husbands are up to.

Oh so she was having an emotional affair... with her own husband. How does that make any sense whatsoever. It obviously was not an affair because the husband was not mad at her at all.

