Why does every PA fan hate the 4th one?

OK, I will admit that this isn't my favorite horror franchise, but I have seen the previous 5 PA movies on DVD to prepare for this one.

So, I went to imdb after watching each installment, and everyone here seems to rate PA4 the lowest.

Why is it the most hated?
The quality of it is (IMO) on similar levels to the previous two sequels that came before. And it was the first movie since PA 1 to NOT be a prequel.

It is not a great movie by any means, but at least it is consistent with the rest of the franchise unlike TMO, which is the only movie that I found unenjoyable.

Am I missing something?


My guess would be:

1) It was originally titled as the final movie. It was said, this is what everything lead to.

2) The whole Robbie\Hunter thing

3) It didn't bring much to the table. The first one was the first. The second one had at the very least explained the photo from the first.

The third one improved the technique, like with the rotating camera in the living room.

The fourth one was just another one.

Though personally, it was a heck of a lot better than The Marked One which was just awful.



People need something to complain about.

Even if it means listening to "critics" instead of forming your own opinion.


I don't hate PA4. I think that I'm even suppose to adore it (I went to different town by train just to see it cause we didn't have our local theater in a good quality - the old one now we have one big multicomplex theater) and while I don't adore it it was a good movie even though it had some flaws.

🇨🇿 youtube's channel http://www.youtube.com/user/yinloveyang♥


I liked the 4th. The one I did not like was the 2nd.


The marked Juans? nty.


It's trash, you little moron. Jog on.


All of them have bored me equally so far but maybe this one will hopefully be different. I can't wait for the franchise to end so something new can come on the go. It's devastating that Wes Craven died not long ago as he was great for the horror genre.

The only 2 films i have enjoyed on the horror scene lately has been Sinister and The Conjuring. Unfortunately i have heard the 2nd Sinister film was not as good as the first.

I am looking forward to the new Alien movie that will wipe the 4th film from being cannon. I will admit the 3rd did not bother me except for the poor cgi of the alien its self but man the 4th film was naff so i hope this new one that will have Ripley and Hicks in it will be scary like the 1st 2 movies were when i first saw them, actually the queen alien is still scary to this day, man imagine that thing coming for you!!!

"It's game over man, it's game over!!!"


i have no idea why it is so hated. personally, it's my favorite of the series.

Why are you screaming? I haven't even cut you yet.


It's grown on me since I first saw it. My main issues with it though is it ends way too abruptly and feels like more of the same.
