Another example of Christians not understanding their own doctrine.
So... the rapture comes, and all the little innocent babies and children are brought up to heaven. Except, no, they wouldn't be.
Hey Christians, your own bible states that a prerequisite for getting into heaven is a belief in Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. Babies have no cognition for such a belief, nor are they innocent, they are born with the same sin as all mankind. So, babies left behind? Yup.
Now the children. Those who had not been indoctrinated into the Christian cult, would also have been left behind, as they do not meet the fore mentioned prerequisite are also not innocent.
Also love your jab at Islam as the Muslim on the plane, plainly believing in his god, is also left behind. Praying to the wrong god, sucks to be him huh?
Lying for Jesus. It's the Christian way.