Completely ignores a rule of time travel!
"the same matter cannot occupy the same space", so you can't touch yourself if you time travel.
Go watch Time Cop I and II for reference.
"the same matter cannot occupy the same space", so you can't touch yourself if you time travel.
Go watch Time Cop I and II for reference.
Amusing. Time travel rules are created by the particular authors. There are some common tropes, but that is all they are. (very much like the supposed rules for vampires or werewolves; all of which are derived from numerous legends and vary widely from place to place.)
You might consider that all the atoms of a human body are regularly being replaced at all times. It is highly likely that a future version of yourself does not share a single atom with you. (all this ignoring the unlikely existence of time travel and the various other quantum issues involved. )
1. This is not a "rule" of time travel.
2. Touching your younger or older self wouldn't be "occupying the same space" anyway. It also wouldn't be exactly the same matter.
It is a trope that has been used in some time travel stories. However, suddenly deciding it is an immutable "rule" indicates a common syndrome I see regarding a lot of fantastic/fantasy stories. Someone reads/watches a particular version, really likes it, and decides that the tropes used in that story are the rules of that concept. From then on every other book/film/tv show that uses that trope is "wrong" if it doesn't follow the "rules" from that first exposure.
I've seen in a lot. The OP is one. When twilight came out I saw people trashing other werewolves and vampire stories because they didn't follow the same "rules" that Stephanie Meyer used. (and, to be fair and though Twilight wasn't very good, Stephanie Meyers being trashed because she didn't follow the "rules" that other vampire/werewolf stories used)
You see it in critiques of Vermithrax Pejorative and Smaug from the films: dragons must have four legs and two wings. Since Vermithrax and Smaug don't they must be wyverns. Mummies must look and react a certain way. Faster than light travel must look like Star Wars, or Star Trek, or the Honorverse.
It goes on and on and is quite exhausting that people don't realize that sources for all these things vary widely and authors/creators pick and choose which options they like, create new things to spice up their story, and create a version which works for them.
The only rule of time travel is that you can only travel to the future not the past.
shareThis is an example of what I spoke of above. There in no "rule" of time travel, or any other SF or fantasy concept unknown or impossible in real world physics. The only rule is the one that a particular creator imposes on their own creation. It does not migrate to other works, even by the same creator.
shareThere are no "rules of time travel" as time travel does not exist! )))) So no one can know its rules ))))
Youβre wrong. How can it be the same matter when itβs a young kid weighing say 100lbs vs his older self say at 160lbs?
So what happened to that 60lbs matter? Isnβt that not the same matter?
Time Cop is a fun movie but its rules were silly. Theyβre in the same universe but itβs claimed same matter cannot occupy same space but they already are occupying space in the universe and just by touching now suddenly itβs an issue. Just laughable.