
mcp7 (143)


Good luck, and remember... Lisa needs braces Hela vs Thanos (without gauntlet) Rank the MCU villains How strong is Thanos without the gauntlet? View all posts >


Archimedes never traveled to the modern time, he gets the watch from Völler. No it doesn't. I paid perfect attention and read what you posted just fine, thank you. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. True. I'm not saying he's weak, he's a quite powerful jedi in his own right, but he's below Yoda, Mace Windu or Anakin for me. True, but I don't think just surviving can be considered "bad-ass". He ends hanging on a ledge and without his lightsaber in both situations. He was lucky that Maul was stupid enough to just stand there doing nothing while Obi-Wan jumped over him and grabbed his lightsaber. Grievous was about to kill him and he was lucky there was a blaster near. He was humiliated by Dooku twice, and was lucky when he "killed" Maul and Grievous. I haven't seen the show yet, but Obi-Wan learns about it in ROTS already, when he watches a recording of Palpatine naming Anakin Darth Vader. Exactly. "The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it". It was also about being born special in the OT. View all replies >