I hate hand held POV

This ish has got to stop because its annoying and distracting for the viewer to watch a film like this when they have the shakey camera involved .I get it your trying to be "real" but its annoying and it gets old quick there is a reason the old format works time and time again .These people fail to realize that anything that distracts the audience from the film makes them lose interest .If i want to see amateur footage ill go to youtube i dont want to see the same quality amateur footage being used in a movie by professionals its not a good look at all who ever thought it a good idea to use this technique when feeling must be real lazy .

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


I found that the movie is a lot more watchable if you view it on a PC with SVP installed. Watching at a smooth 48 or 60 FPS is a lot less nauseating than 24.

And yes, you are currently reading my sig.


So don't watch them. Things don't have to go away just because you don't like them. You aren't that important.


The hand held camera 'technique' has long past it's novelty, now it's mostly an excuse for sloppy or lazy filmmaking. It's still hard to believe that that broad who made The Hurt Locker won an Oscar for making some audiences sick to their stomachs with all the *beep* hand held.


Agree 100%

If you need a filming gimmick to make your film work, then the quality of your script/movie/actors must not be very good.
