I hate hand held POV

This ish has got to stop because its annoying and distracting for the viewer to watch a film like this when they have the shakey camera involved .I get it your trying to be "real" but its annoying and it gets old quick there is a reason the old format works time and time again .These people fail to realize that anything that distracts the audience from the film makes them lose interest .If i want to see amateur footage ill go to youtube i dont want to see the same quality amateur footage being used in a movie by professionals its not a good look at all who ever thought it a good idea to use this technique when feeling must be real lazy .

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


Yes. I concur.

''I'm fortunate the pylons were not set to a lethal level.''


The novelty worked for Cloverfield but for those who get motion-sickness easily, they would need Dramamine to get through this movie without getting nauseous.


Cloverfield was good. Would of been better without it though. I totally agree. Its sloppy and lazy


I totally agree! I think it started with the"Blair Witch Project" and now I've seen at least 5 other movies that do this low cost gimmick. It's very annoying now and out of fashion.


I don't watch more than about 5 mins of these stupid hand held camera style movies. They make me feel sick.


Totally agreed man...

How do you turn a decent story into a garbage movie?
With a dumb gimmick like using hand-held found footage

How come 99.999999% of movie do not involve amateurish hand held camera garbage?

because hand held camera footage
1- Looks bad
2- looks stupid
3- does nothing but give people headaches, or in extreme cases nausea

if you want to make a movie, guys, learn to use an effing camera properly or don't bother

btw, it's not that our mind can't take reality, the problem is that in reality our view isn't shaking as much as in this movie, and some minor shaking is hidden as the brain adjusts and compensates.
If the scenery shakes like that, as if you are on a ship, people get sick, like most people trying to watch this movie will.


That's cool. Can you tell us anything else you hate?

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


F* all these shaky cam movies - starting with Blair Witch and so on... they annoy the crap out of everyone and the gimmick got old very fast. I can't believe people are still using the shaky cam to release movies in 2015.
