What the F happened to Eli Roth?
Cabin Fever and Hostel are classics in the horror genre IMO. then just a huge decline starting with Hostel 2. I have officially lost faith
shareCabin Fever and Hostel are classics in the horror genre IMO. then just a huge decline starting with Hostel 2. I have officially lost faith
sharesme here, but only on the side of his choice for bad actors and cheap cinematography.
shareHe went after young poon. I do believe that gave him a type of arrested development. Have you seen his wife's interviews? Very wide eyed, head in the clouds type girl. He is the company he keeps.
I disagree. Cabin Fever and Hostel I agree are classics but repeating a formula isn't necessarily a good thing. Basic Roth is definitely there, but I think he's growing, taking some new steps, and they are working, at least working for me.
shareI don't thik formula is under question. his stories are still fresh when comparing them to each other. He level of quality is down for the films he makes. any of his previus films have had solid performances. not Oscar worthy. but they did what they set out to do. Green Inferno had some cringe worthy performances from Sky Ferreria, and Levy.
The movie looks super cheap like it was shot on a camera from Best Buy. Canon cinema cameras suck.
I very much agree about his stories. Camera work is another thing, looked OK to me, but I've seen others objecting, too. Sky Ferreria though ... I agree, she gave a lousy performance, but she had a very minor part, maybe totaling a few minutes overall? I wouldn't downcheck the movie much based on a very minor character.
Levy, now, I disagree. I thought was good at acting out a very, very nasty character. Villains are sometimes easier to perform, and script, than heroes. Alejandro's character is really somewhat different from "traditional" villains. His character starts out ambiguously enough, then has some scripted parts that are in general increasingly dark and douchey (if that's a word) but with enough ambiguity that left a lot of folks wondering. There were even admirable places for him along the way. Then the character went into total douche territory. Nasty character to act out, but Levy did it and did it well. All in all, I think Alejandro is a major ultra "bad guy" as bad guys go, but was a really complex, well-scripted character, difficult character to perform. I give high props to Ariel Levy for a job well done.
This movie wasn't great, but it was easily better than Cabin Fever or Hostel.
He is the same as he always has been. Substituting gore for suspense and calling it horror. And it's not even that shocking.
A very mediocre director.
Gore is a category for horror films. You may not like it and that's okay.
It's pretty shocking. The amount of people covering their eyes or turning away when the first guy gets eaten wasn't tame.
I don't mind gore. In fact, I admit I watch gory movies from time to time. But it has to be one of the items on the menu. The Thing by John Carpenter is incredibly gory but it has some of the most suspenseful scenes ever.
Roth's best work to date remains the Thanksgiving trailer from Grindhouse. It was wickedly funny, gory and had some disturbing moments. It showed potential which he hasn't realized yet.
What really annoys me is the poster of Clown claiming as 'from master of horror, Eli Roth'. If Roth is to be considered the master of horror, then I guess we should ring the alarm bells.
I don't doubt Roth's passion for the genre but he has done zilch to be considered as master.
Even Fulci who is mocked for making gore flicks had a knack of extracting suspense. Roth is yet to demonstrate that.
Agree with all of this 100% You took the words right out of my head ever since Hostel. Eli Roth is very very average in the history of great horror film directors. And John Carpenter is a true master! The Thing is one of my all time favorite horror films. Pretty much everything Carpenter made was excellent up until Ghosts on Mars. He kinda lost it at that point. Also that vampires movie he did. Can't remember which came out first.
Calling Eli Roth a master of horror is just regurgitating false marketing propaganda
Would this even be considered a "gore movie"? I tend to think of films like The Burning Moon and Flower of Flesh and Blood as "gore movies", not this. You can't have a movie be rated R and call it a "gore movie". It's like when people say that Rob Zombie creates the most shocking movies when really they are tame in comparison to the true contenders.
Then go watch Paranormal Activity 17. Gore is a huge reason I enjoy the horror genre. The paranormal ghost nonsense mostly uninteresting to me.
Since you've commented on Roth's previous work, you must be a glutton for punishment. (Or you just like to B*tch and moan)
Honestly, gore in horror movies has become tired and boring as all hell now---it used to be shocking, not it's just something horror filmmakers throw in when they can't come up with a really decent story around,that's all. Gore has become a shortcut for some wanna-be horror filmmakers with no talent--or those who haven't shone any yet. .
Then go watch Paranormal Activity 17. Gore is a huge reason I enjoy the horror genre. The paranormal ghost nonsense mostly uninteresting to me.
Obviously you're not a fan of suspense or dread buildup. Gore on its own is a shallow premise for watching a movie. Your choice and your loss.
That's what I was thinking when's the last time y'all watched cabin fever or hostel? His movies have always been this goofy. That said I wonder what it says about him he likes to put his wife in these horrible situations in his films. I do enjoy them. Knock knock was more fun tho
shareYou shall fetch me your universe's ultimate cup of coffee. Black! You have five Eaaarth minutes. Make it perfect!
Sad story. You got a smoke?
How dare they present this to me? FOUL! They hide their finest bean!
Sad story. You got a smoke?
Prepare the attack!
Henry Swanson's my name and excitement's my game!
*high five*
Sad story. You got a smoke?
You should check out Hemlock Grove before writing him off. I'm a long time fan of ER and it will probably go down in my book as his best work. Jury is still out on that as the final season, 3, is about to be released. And the people showing up to bash ER are just like soooooooo lame.
So says The Goats!
Check out Hemlock Grove? It's horribly written, filmed, and acted mess. It's the first Netflix Original show to be canceled. Netflix is clearly embarrassed by that mess as they reduced the episode count, canceled it after season 2, and now are basically burying the release of season 3.
shareWrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. That's your opinion, fine. I find it an amazingly fresh horror spin with mystery as enchanting as Twin Peaks. If being cancelled means it's bad you have no taste whatsoever. Season 3 wraps up the show, and has been planned as such for over a year. It's entirely possible Roth wants to complete it and move on, or that Famke Jansen feels the same.
So says The Goats!
How can my opinion be wrong? It's just an opinion on something subjective. The acting, writing, cinematography are horrific. I can give you specific examples for each even.
If being cancelled means it's bad you have no taste whatsoever
Need to decide if you associate cancellation and critical acclaim with quality or not. You chose to chime in on my recommendation, and I love the show regardless. Plans and pacing change when ratings aren't there. Take Bates Motel, Vera Farmiga is killing it as Norma Bates and overall it's a magnificent show, yet ratings are barely enough to keep it alive. I couldn't care less about ratings, which ultimately leads to cancellations. If you need someone with an agenda to tell you a show is good that's your choice. Johnny Depp has never won an Oscar, and I think he's a greatest of all time..
So says The Goats!
Need to decide if you associate cancellation and critical acclaim with quality or not. You chose to chime in on my recommendation, and I love the show regardless. Plans and pacing change when ratings aren't there
Fair enough then but I love the show. The Mrs. and I both do. Its pacing is a bit off sometimes, and I don't care for the African American bro and sis hunters, but the atmosphere is intoxicating if you let yourself go into their world. I couldn't wait to see what the doc was hiding in the vat, sorry proper terminology has slipped since I last watched. Then what happened to Shelley was mind blowing. Eh just my take.
So says The Goats!
Better than Knock Knock
shareI disagree with most of you guys. Green Inferno was good, but Knock Knock indeed sucked. Keanu Reeves was the only good thing about it. The story and the other characters sucked. Green Inferno had all the elements, I don't know why people disliked it.
shareI prefer Knock Knock, the special effects were rubbish and the film just dragged
shareFor gods sake ... The guy is good at raising money ... Not making films ... It looks like he's conned some poor rich South Americans now to finance his rubbish ... How sad