MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > Having a Black woman is pure political c...

Having a Black woman is pure political correctness

There is no organic demand among the public for a mediocre looking Black woman in a Bond movie. Halle Berry was mixed race and at least she looked good. They put Natasha Lynch there just to appear "progressive" and satisfy diversity quotas. Another example of Black privilege.


Grace Jones. A View To A Kill. 1985.

Trina Parks. Diamonds Are Forever. 1971.


also Live and Let Die


Those were at least good looking. Natasha Lynch is below average to say the least.


I mean that fact that you think Halle Berry looks good...let's not suggest this is black privilege just because of your own subjective sense of attractiveness.


He's a young boy jumping on the anti-diversity bandwagon. See now how OP deflects to physical attraction


There's a difference. Those Black women in previous Bonds were there DESPITE being Black. Lashana Lynch is there BECAUSE she is Black. And not because the story or script requires a Black woman. It doesn't. She's there because they want to check the diversity boxes otherwise Blacks will start whining again about Hollywood being so White.


dey took ouur jeerrrrrbs!

damn diversity quotes , if it wasnt for that you'd have nailed that role right?


Black women are nothing new to Bond. While there are some legitimate concerns with the childish way diversity/representation are handled these days in entertainment, Lashana Lynch just being in the film isn't one of them. There is nothing wrong with her physical appearance, but if it bothers that much, Ana de Armas, is in the film as well.


There's a difference. Those Black women in previous Bonds were there DESPITE being Black. Lashana Lynch is there BECAUSE she is Black.


They let women act in movies now! I’m outraged! 🤪


Still waiting for the toothless fat White guy playing the next Shaft and then complaining about "racism" when people object.


You sound like a racist 12 years old boy who beats up watching Hollywood movies. Grow up.


No, I'm just sick of all the Black privilege, moron.


thanks for the confirmation


A "racist" is a White person yearning for justice.


So being against unfair racial privilege is evil? OK


Another racist Trump voter I see you are


I'm not even American. I have a benefit of coming from a almost 100% White country and because of that I am able to see that the cause of racial tension in America is diversity itself. Racially pure countries don't have these problems.
