MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > The boards need to chill out

The boards need to chill out

I don't understand why I am seeing so much hype surrounding this movie but these message boards are just constantly giving this film such negative backlash. Like what's the deal? All I am seeing on these boards are just hatred towards the Craig Bond films which doesn't make sense since he has 2 fantastic films and that there is also so much hate is
going towards No Time to Die. I don't get it.


I have been avoiding spoilers for this as much as possible, as well as all this bickering about whether the movie is pushing some social agenda. I was somewhat underwhelmed by SPECTRE, so that in itself doesn't give me great confidence in NT2D. However, I will reserve any opinions until I actually see the movie for myself.


Fair enough and respectable. I was underwhelmed by Spectre as well. I didn't hate it, I just thought it was decent but disappointing. However that doesn't necessarily affect my anticipation for No Time to Die. Yes I understand people may be worried that it's still continuing certain story elements from Spectre such as birnging back Lea Seydoux and Waltz, but that shouldnt automatically result in a bad movie. Yes the chemistry between Madeleine and Bond in Spectre was weak but it can be resolved in NTTD and give them more development. The whole Blofeld being Bonds brother was another weak point in Spectre but I doubt that relationship will be explored deeper in NTTD

Therefore other than that, I honestly don't see what else is there to hate on this film. The movie could be great or terrible. We will just have to wait and see, however my expectations are very high for it and I do have faith that this film will be a success.


I like the Madeleine/Bond pairing, and I was glad to find out that she's coming back. Before that was revealed, I just figured she would be nowhere to be seen and that there would be a different Bond Girl instead, like what happens with most Bond movies. I hope she doesn't end up getting killed like Vesper.


Same. She wasn't developed the best in Spectre but her character still had debth to her and there could possibly be more development for her in NTTD. However I still like the fact that they ate bringing her back since it is rare that Bond girls return for sequels so I like that they are trying to do something different.




Your previous post stating much the same thing along with its many responses is still here - it'd just fallen off the first page.

I've just "bumped" it for you so you can read all the replies made previously.


I've noticed and appreciate that, however I also wanted to understand why the entire Craig Era is getting so much hate on these boards. My last thread was strictly on NTTD and now I just want to make a point on why this movie and the entire Craig series is getting so much unnecessary backlash when Craig has 2 great Bond films. It just bothers me how these boards also create the same threads on and on regarding how this movie is gonna be a failure and how the entire Craig Era sucks. I just don't understand and that's why I created another thread.


Perhaps you ought to edit your OP here then because the wording is very much focusing on this film, hence my previous post.

From your previous thread and this one it seems pretty clear you have three main responses:-

1. People who think it's going to be a "woke-fest" or whatever and are put off.
2. People who think he had a couple of good films but Spectre was garbage and aren't enthused.
3. People who just don't like the Daniel Craig "Bond" era at all.

All have explained their reasoning - some at quite some length - so I'm not sure what more you're hoping to get? You said you get bothered when people "create the same threads on and on" but you just did the same thing really!

If you enjoy these Daniel Craig films and are looking forward to this one then that's really super for you but I don't understand why you'd possibly expect and want that so much from others...


Then again I'm seeing so much of the same users creating similar threads on how this movie us gonna suck regarding either the work stuff or just "how much Craigs tenure as Bond sucks and that this movie will suck as well." Therefore why can't I do the same but actually bring some positivity.

However I do appreciate that you respect my opinion but I also don't think I people should just regularly trash Daniel Craig's Bond and his fans. We all have our own opinions and should respect one another, but don't just go around constantly hating on Craig and this film all the time as well as making Craig fans look like a bunch of idiots for being a fan of his along with the overall positive consensus towards his Bond.


People are negative and people are shitty. Don’t bother looking any deeper than that. This will be the best action film in years.


People just like to hate on everything on these boards for no apparent reason. I only read these threads and try to create some myself only to show how much they are overreacting negatively towards this film for no apparent reason.


Imagine if the idiots on these boards tried to make a film themselves. It would be an absolute shit show in 99.9% of all cases.


Absolutely. Most of these users think they know the whole basis in regards to film production and they clearly don't.


Ah, the classic "you can't do any better, so you're not allowed to critice" argument... its very simple really, all I want is to be entertained and that the movie/story keeps me interested in what's happening on the screen. If a movie just goes through the motions and bond movie cliches (like most of the Brosnan flicks), its not enough for me. As a paying customer, I certainly feel I have right to critice.

Its seen many times that filmmakers aren't the best judges and critics of their own work (let's take George Lucas, for example).

But to be fair, it must to be tough to come up original ideas in a movie series that has ran so long as Bond movies have.


It’s true, though. The complaints you find on these boards are nit-picky at best and completely incoherent at worst. It would be one thing if they said, “I didn’t like this aspect of the film for the following reasons. As such, I think the plot/pacing/character development/whatever could have been better if this had happened instead.” And then the rest of us could join in and have an ACTUAL conversation. As it stands now, though, most of Moviechat involves grown men bitching and moaning over things that no well-balanced adult should ever care about. The old IMDb boards were never this bad. It seems like out of the people who made the leap from there to here, 95% of them are nothing more than whiners.


Exactly. I get it, people have their own opinions and might disagree with others just like how this chat seemingly disagrees with the overall positive consensus of Daniel Craig's Bond. If you don't like him as Bond or his movies than that's OK but don't go around just spreading so much hatred for such an unnecessary reason and making fans who support him as Bond feel like idiots for being a fan of his Bond and agreeing with the overall positive consensus towards Craig's run as Bond.

I completely agree. The IMDB boards had way more mature users than this MovieChat site.


You are an i***t if you think that Craig Bond movies are Bond movies at all. They are just boring Bourne and MI clones, which stopped being its own franchise. Craig isnt Bond at all (hes best role would be that of a hobo. BTW Thats the way he was treated at CR) and he knows it. Thats why he plays the role so terrible and bored.


Do you not realize how much acclaim CR and Skyfall got. Both of those films are regarded as one of the best Bond movies ever. Highly prestigious sites such as Variety, THR, Total Film etc. regard CR and Skyfall to be some of the best Bond movies ever as well as Craig being one of the best Bonds. So how does that make me an “idiot” for being a fan of something that most people are as well, except for these boards?


This wasnt acclaim. That was access journalism fighting for their accesses to movie previews and the usual PR budget doing its part.

All of this movies are way less succesful then for example "Moonraker". And thos movies havent included the chinese market (for some strange reason :) ).

So there wasnt acclaim. There was a PR hype which calmed down and now nobody rang thos movies as something special anymore.

And again: Craig isnt Bond. He is a hobo.


It’s simply that you just can’t accept the fact that certain films receive such high praise by many that you happen to not like. Don’t make some lame excuse that the acclaim Skyfall and CR received was just a way for journalists to have access to free screenings. It doesn’t work that way. These critics were given access so that they can spread out their initial honest thoughts about these films. There’s no proof that these critics only give these films praise just so they can get free access. If that was the case in terms of your logic then maybe QOS and Spectre would’ve also received high praise as well, but they didn’t therefore critics can actually admit to a not so great film and not just praise everything.We live in a world where no one has to agree with another.

I guarantee if you yourself loves a film that has also received many praise then the story would be different for you and that you believe the critics are right. But if a film that you happen to not that has received a wide variety of praise by many than you would say that these critics are somewhat fake and only give these films great reviews for special access.


I'm not saying we don't have a right to criticize. We can express our own opinions whenever we want and our opinions may differ than others. Sure people might disagree with the main consensus that Daniel Craigs Bond is regarded as one of the best Bonds and that's completely fine. Film is subjective. But this chat just seems to idioticaly put so much unnecessary backlash towards this film and Craigs tenure as Bond as well as not respecting others opinions who are a fan of his Bond. If you don't like Craigs Bond then that's fine abd you the right to express why you don't like him but at the same time you don't need to constantly put shit towards his Bond on and on as well as starting arguments with fans who support his Bond. There's really like no reason to hate on Daniel Craig Bond fans especially when he is regarding as one of the best Bonds by many.


The time when naive soyboys thought that Craig is Bond (not to mention the best Bond) died with QoS. Get an life upgrade!


Qos wasn’t that great, but then Skyfall came out and look at the praise that film got.


2 good ones out of the current 4 and soon 5 is not a good track record imo. That means he's only half-good. As a James Bond fan though I am still going to watch it because there is not much else coming out in terms of movies in the theater besides the Superhero stuff.


Maybe his films are half good. That doesn't mean Daniel Craig as Bond himself is half-good. He's regarded as one of the best Bonds right next to Connery by many and his overall run has been positive. Sure he's only had 2 great films but his weaker films like QOS and Spectre aren't even nearly as bad as previous actors weaker Bond films such as the last few Moore films and especially the Brosnan films.


I'm curious who these people are that regard him as one of the best. I always see comments of him looking tired of playing the bond role with rumors of him not wanting to do another before confirming he's still in it for the ride. I grew up with the Brosnan bond films so he's my favorite Bond by far due to GoldenEye and the N64 game that came with it, good times.

That and between Licence to Kill (1989) and GoldenEye (1995), was the longest we hadn't had a bond film along with being a totally different take from the older ones we've seen of the past. More action packed, etc.


Many top critics consider him as one of the best such as prestigious sources like Empire, total film, etc. Look back at their old reviews for Casino Royale and Skyfall. Many film talk show companies also praise Craigs Bond such as collider and many other film related YouTube channels. Also a poll was made by the end of 2019 ranking all of the Bond actors and Craig was tied with Connery for number 1. I believe it was from Fandango.

That article you attached below doesn't even criticize his performance as Bond. It just talks about how he doesn't seem interested in doing another film after Spectre. It also doesn't make sense to me why you are putting so much hatred towards Craigs Bond because he only has 2 great films while your favorite is Brosnan and he only has 1 great film.


Critics .... the folks which always getting movies and actors wrong in comparison to the paying movie goers (look at RottenTomatoes scores)? They dont have a lcue about movies anymore. Gone are the times of Roger Ebert. Indeed he had failures too, but at least he knew what he was talking about. Today its just agenda and access to previews. Movie critics died a long time ago.


The whole point of a film critic is to give their honest opinion about a film. If critics don’t like a certain film or an actor’s portrayal of a character, then they would step up and report that does aspects didn’t come to their likings. If you don’t think RT is accurate, how about taking a look at metacritic. Critics who also report on that site also praise Craig’s Bond as well as films such as CR and Skyfall. If you don’t like these films than that’s fine, it’s your opinion however you don’t have to hate on others that may disagree with you and say that critics are somewhat fake nowadays because they happen to praise certain things you don’t like.


A lot of it are the tiny minority of angries that populate any/every message board groups, but a lot of it are people who are weary of commercials/propaganda for woke stuff and leery that Bond might have become the next franchise to get propagandised.

For myself, I'm optimistic, but I have trepidation. I do not want to watch two and a half hours of a movie that is ostensibly about James Bond being used to show me what a cool character this other person is (I can't remember the character name) as they try to set up a spinoff series/new direction for the series - not unlike one of those crossover TV show episodes where they bring in the cast from another show on the same network hoping to boost ratings; the new show's characters inevitably impress the heck out of the popular show's characters and it's just a big trailer for "Whichever New Show".

So, I think those are the two primary reasons for it. It all stems from the same seeds, though: trailers have the new character one-upping Bond, the producers made a big deal about hiring Phoebe Waller-Bridge with much feminist fanfare, etc.


I understand about the whole "woke" criticisms but I honestly think people are also overreacting that this new Bond film is going too go woke. Just because there's a new female character that is supposedly gonna start out as the new 007 in the film doesn't necessarily mean that the film will go woke. The only thing that would make this film considered to be woke is that if they make Bond look like a joke throughout the entire runtime by having the new double 0 outshining Bond in regards to its action sequences making Bond look weak. I honestly doubt that will be the case but its possible it could turn out to be like that, who knows.


I believe you're correct; people are overreacting. I'm waiting to see (as I say: optimistic).

I'm a bit worried they'll let her outgun Bond at the beginning and he'll never get to be top dog later, but not too worried. I'm a bit worried that they'll retire Bond (death or literal retirement) after this film and try to change the series into "Whoever is 007 at the Moment". But I'm not too worried about that, either, because I think that will earn about as much money as dropping $1,000 bills into the shredder for a week.


I'll be ok if the new 00 does indeed outshine Bond himself in the first act of the film because it could possibly develop her character a little more and show us how skillful she is as a 00 agent. However like I said if its like that throughout the rest of the film then that could be an issue.

My prediction is that Bond will die at the end of the film and I actually don't mind that. I also agree with you regarding the worries about possible future spin offs for "whoever is 007 atm." That I definitely think is a stretch.


Agreed; Act I she *should* outgun him. That way there's something for him to push against. But then the payoff would have to be that he outguns her eventually. In Skyfall he's a relic at the start. He's out of touch and out of shape and he can't keep up with Silva's computer virus or new, hip, young Q's counter-hacker savvy. So what's Act III? He grabs a vintage car, heads back to his past and his roots, indulges in age and experience, and outlives, outlasts, and out-fights the younger, hipper folks. Heck, he even gets a boost from a vintage sounding 007 theme song.

EON goes through financial roller coasters every few years. They murder Bond at their own peril. I would really hate that. Oh, somebody'd pop out a new Bond movie eventually - it's not that the character (an immortal concept) can die, it's just that when the "official" arbiters of the character say "Oh, he died, the next guy has the same name, but it's not him," it sours in the mouth.


Absolutely. That's how I believe the film will be structured in terms of the development between Bond and Nomi. Then towards half way through the end of the film, Bond will be back in his prime and outshine Nomi hopefully. Therefore, that would not be a woke situation at all.

I see where your coming from in terms of killing Bond off. Yes it doesn't necessarily make too much sense if they kill him off in this one then they have another movie with a different actor helming the role eventually. I don't think that should be a big problem because if a new movie with a new actor does end up being developed, it will serve as a reboot for the franchise similar to Casino Royale.


They can say "reboot" all they want, but the franchise is so loopy already that I just sorta treat it as the continued exploits of the world's greatest codename-less superspy in the time pretzel where he's a veteran agent in the Cold War, but a rookie in the 2000s.

So...I guess it wouldn't be a *big* deal if they killed and resurrected him.


I honestly just don't know any more. I just go as it is regarding how they treat the continuity of the franchise. We will just have to wait and see.


Yup. I might see it in theatres based on word-of-mouth (balanced with virus reports, naturally). But it'll likely be impossible to tell whether or not the movie went full-woke or not. Woke people will say it's fine and anti-woke people will moan and thrash around complaining about feminism.

So...yeah, I'll probably just watch it.

Now, if I do watch it and feel like they've nuked the fridge, I probably won't bother with any additional installments in the future.

At that point, maybe I'll write my own Bond movie and go make it in one of the countries where Flemming's work has entered the public domain...


It's the internet. People get angry easily and usually over nothing.
