MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > Stay in your lane... smh

Stay in your lane... smh

The way the lady says that line to Bond and all of the rest of her dialogue in the trailer is terrible... Bond was a character that men wanted to be and women wanted to be with... I can't imagine wanting to be treated like a POS like he's treated in this trailer... and I can't imagine a woman wanting her man to be treated like that either.

I'm not asking for the Goldfinger butt slapping days and telling the girls to go away cause men are talking to make a return... but this woke crap has crossed the line!


Why don’t you make her, booma...

And the salty AF tears coming from actual propagandists just don’t stop! XD Needless to say, the more reactionary manbabies get triggered by H Town, the more it’s... well... gonna happen! Now just wait until the next iteration of Bond comes around — the meltdowns the chud brigade is guaranteed to have will be nothing compared to the whining you’re already seeing over No Time to Die (golly gee, many of them are already rage crying over what’s to come). Ya know, we may be living in an altreich reactionary neckbeard era, but thank fuck the film industry (and many in society) ain’t down for that... Ergo, chuds obviously gonna waaa waaa over the resistance to their agenda for years to come. In closing, keep playing them broken records up in this altreich manbaby safe space


Zooma, get a life. You are incredible brainless and you are simply a waste for society.


The future is woke. Embrace it.


Woke is dead. Movie studios already stopped "woke" production. Woke was just a way how beta males of the millenial babies thought they could get a girl. But they failed and thats why woke is history. This movie is just a movie which was made before woke was dead and is released way too late.


Woke is the mainstream ideology in modern left. It controls most media, academic, education, deep state, big technological companies and a good part of entertainment.

Dead? You wish. They're in control right now.


That black trans is a smug asshole




The way the lady says that line to Bond....
....this woke crap has crossed the line!

I havent seen the trailer , whats happened?
did a wumman get all uppity and leave the kitchen sink or something?
or did she not respect the manfolks?

" I'm not asking for the Goldfinger butt slapping days and telling the girls to go away cause men are talking "
it sure as hell sounds like it
