MovieChat Forums > Life Itself (2014) Discussion > Ebert was a very bad film critic

Ebert was a very bad film critic

He made tons of mistakes in his film reviews as far as plot details. Scorsese should have picked a better subject to make a film about.
Watch out for a terrible troll named Topix. Ignore any postings by that individual or any stranger!


I valued him for his writing, which was usually excellent. I often disagreed with his opinions on films but I never regretted reading a review he wrote.

A good critic isn't a critic you always agree with, it's one who has something interesting to say or says it in an interesting way.





Okay. Post 50 examples, out of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.


I did mean irrelevant - That is exactly what he is.

You say because his books still sell then that proves me wrong - Kim Kardashian sells lots of books - should I pay attention to what she says too?

Fanboy's and ar5e-kissers buy his books - No one else cares about the fat idiot - I reckon you could survey 5 million people and not one would be able to quote a single thing he said or wrote - He is as irrelevant now as he always was. This documentary will bomb and deservedly so.


Dear Sir or Madam:

You may be right.



p.s.: If you want to make the case that Roger Ebert approximately equals Kim Kardashian in value to the film industry and to people who love the cinema, please feel free to do so. Also feel free to support your claims that "no one else cares about the fat idiot" other than "fanboys and arse-kissers," and that he is and always was "irrelevant." If you mean simply that you can't stand him and think he was worthless, of course you're entitled. But a claim to the effect that every intelligent person naturally agrees with you requires something more than merely asserting it, or else it is to be completely disregarded. Of course.



I can; so can quite a few people I know; and so can a lot of other people, I'm betting. I am highly confident you're just wrong on this point. For one thing, some of his "glossary" terms have become practically standard (fruit cart, pushmepullyou, etc.) within the industry.

I mean, I'm quite sure nothing I say will make any difference. You clearly can't stand the guy. Yo' bidness. It's just that you keep stating "evidence" that just isn't true.

But again: You may be right. I doubt it, but you may be. I can leave it at that.


"It's not an assault on the senses, it's an assault on consciousness." from his review of Eagle Eye. I didn't even have to look it up.

What I love about Ebert is not whether I agree with his film rating, but he was absolutely a phenomenal writer, always averse to cliche and with a passion for movies. He was also not a snob. He liked fun trash just as much as classy dramas.


Ok - over thirty years of output and one person has one quote.

To me that makes him irrelevant. Film critics are ten a penny, he isn't missed.


He isn't missed by YOU. Get over yourself, my god!


his taste in comedy was quite banal. tho, he was very solid in other areas.

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


i hated, hated, hated this comment


Most people can't quote a single thing anybody writes. Just because some of us can, with regards to Ebert or Kael, doesn't mean we are fanboys - a most ridiculous assertion I've heard in quite some time with regards to film reviews.

Jerry at the Movies


Right, because no one would be able to quote "Two thumbs up," a phrase Siskel and Ebert trademarked.

Great point.


God I loathe the internet sometimes....


They were on the Tonight Show with Chevy Chase and they said Three Amigos was one of the worst films of the year and Chase said, "What films were you in this year?".



I think he have godfather part two 3 stars, then put it down as an all time classic?? Crazy! And what he said about The Raid??


Oh lord, he didn't like The Raid?! I was under the assumption that everyone was required to love that movie.


He isn't the best. I really didn't agree with most of his reviews.


That's not a reason to claim he wasn't a good critic. You're as stupid as everyone else.


Roger deserves better than this thread. In the early days he used to post on here but gave up after a while when the racist trolls moved in. It wasn't worth his time.

To sum up what I've read: Oh wow, he didn't like a couple of my favorite movies so I hate him as a human being and I'll tell anyone who will listen. Waaaah. Waaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaah!!!

I'm just hoping the OP and many of the posters are young and will actually read his reviews instead of just looking at the ratings. I used to dislike him too.... when I was in my early teens. But then when I actually thoroughly read his reviews, I realized he really was a wonderful writer and master of telling you his thoughts in a type of Ebert-movieline-prose. Some of my favorite reviews of his were movies that I loved and he hated. I once had a conversation with him in Toronto, and he was just amazing to everyone around him - especially the young reviewers. He will be missed.


I trusted him in the 80s, but he recommended so, so many bad movies that I took my trust elsewhere. There are far, far better critics out there now than he ever was.


Not a very interesting man. What about Gene Sickel a critic I agreed with more than lard butt. Wow hollywood really has run out of ideas.


When the only criticism you offer about Ebert is that he was a "lard butt" it says a lot about you. It's also solid proof that Ebert was doing something right.

Never be complete.
