He interjected his own political bias into his written reviews far too many times to suit me.
Well, sorry he didn't suit you.
Another possibility: He made his own beliefs clear. We all have them. Some people state what they are. Others make a pretense of complete and perfect objectivity. Seems to me that this kind of "interjection" is actually a good thing in a review. People are free to consider it or reject it as they wish.
I think we may have a case of "I hate it when people act and speak according to their values, because that gets all over my values on which I am now speaking" here.
I think he was guilty of the same thing many of the Hollywood stars are: just because you're good at what you do, doesn't mean your thoughts on issues are more profound than anyone else and it certainly doesn't make your viewpoint the correct one.
It also doesn't mean that "Hollywood stars" shouldn't have an opinion or state it, does it? What's your actual complaint about what they do or say? That they use their platform and their money to make things happen according to their own beliefs? Do you have the same complaint against, say, the Kochs, or corporate lobbyists, or senators and representatives bought by corporate money, or even "Hollywood stars" who support right-wing causes?
What is it that you wanted somebody like Ebert to do, and how does what he actually did make him a "very bad film critic"?
And where do Ebert and "Hollywood stars" say their "thoughts on issues are more profound than anyone else['s]?" You mean just the fact that they state them or act on them at all?
When you constantly criticize where I live, how I vote and my core beliefs, then it's hard for me to listen or read anything else you say.
Tell me about it. You should talk to the Fox News crew, along with others who think the only real Americans are between the coasts and vote Republican. They're constantly criticizing...well...people in Hollywood, or New York, or Massachusetts, or San Francisco, or whatever. And certainly those of us who don't see things their way are complete idiots. Just ask them.
I've lived in Texas myself, after having grown up elsewhere, and IMHO you have a seriously large group of crybabies who can't stand being criticized, who think everybody else ought to just shut up if they don't think the same thoughts, and who have a lot of false pride in a state that is near the bottom of the national rankings in most quality-of-life measures. Lots of good people there, don't get me wrong. Quite a few of my favorite people on the planet, actually. But also a lot of "screw everybody else, we need to secede" attitude, while taking federal money by the truckload and badmouthing "the government" at the same time. Also a national reputation for having one of the worst jurisdictions for matters such as workers' rights, environmental protection, and so forth. Then there's all the yammering about the "Texas miracle," when almost 100% of the alleged "job growth" has been because of federal stimulus money, federal jobs, and minimum-wage-or-close service-industry jobs. It does get to be a bit much sometimes.
Now, I'll bet I just criticized the state more in that single paragraph than you'll find in ten years of Ebert reviews. Am I right?